3 Ways Your Testimony Will Help Someone Else


Our testimonies of how Christ saved us are very powerful. When we share them, we actually do more than what we know. Sadly, many do not realise the enormous power that their testimonies have.


The Bible clearly says that our testimony, powered by the blood of Christ, is very powerful. Revelation 12:11 says,

"And they overcame [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."

We must realise that by Jesus' blood, the enemy has been defeated. By Jesus' blood, we have been saved from sin, death, and destruction – and that is our testimony. Our testimony is that we are sinners, but God came in the form of man in Jesus to save us and free us from sin and death's grasp.

Knowing this, we must testify to what Christ has done for us. If you're wondering how your testimony will help others, here are some things you must realise:

1. You Being Saved is a Testimony of Christ's Saving Power

Friend, even the simple fact that you've turned away and have lost your appetite for sin shows God's power working in you. Isn't that amazing?

You don't need to become an awesome preacher, or an "anointed" messenger. You just need to share how Christ saved you, what He has saved you from, and how He has changed your heart and mind, turning your desire away from the pursuit of sinfulness towards the pursuit of holiness. You being transformed into a new person speaks volumes of hope and encouragement to those who are going through the same troubles that you did.

2. Your Testimony is Proof that God is Alive and Actively Involved

David said to God in Psalm 8:3-4, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?"

Seriously, who are we that God would think of us?

But the fact that you got saved and have been made into a new creation in Christ is proof that God isn't just some myth, invented by some group of drunks (see how the believers were treated in Acts 2:13).

Your testimony is proof that God is alive, active, and lovingly concerned about us.

Your testimony about how God showed mercy to you through Christ will bring His hope to others.

3. Your Testimony Will Challenge and Build Faith to Grow

Friends, even the simplest of testimonies, even those that don't seem "dramatic" are enough to inspire, to challenge, and to ignite faith to grow. Think about it: Every time we hear someone gets freed from the grip of sin and the devil, the more we should praise God for His salvation!

Share your testimony. Don't be ashamed of what God has done to you and in you. Don't be afraid of telling people that God saved you from your sins and shame. Boast in God's mighty power to save!