3 ways to bless your pastor or church leader during their rest days


There are a lot of ways to bless your pastor and other church leaders, and one of the best ways to do this is to honour their rest days.

Are you looking for ways to bless the men and women of God in your church? Here are some ways on how to do it.

1. Let them rest

Pastors and other church leaders are often the most sought-after people in any church. People often call them, ask for their time, and even visit their homes for the purpose of getting counsel, receiving instruction, and being prayed for. One problem that ministers have but don't usually bring up in regards to this, however, is the fact that they often lose time to rest because of the demands of the church.

So, one way to bless your church leaders is to let them have their rest. If you can hold your concerns in for just one more day, choose to let them have their well-deserved and God-mandated rest.

2. Stand on their behalf

If you're a church leader yourself, you can do your pastor and other leaders a favour by standing up for them when they're taking their rest. Accept calls on their behalf. Offer your service to other people in the church in place of your pastor.

Of course, you need to get their authorisation or permission to do this, but standing in for them will greatly help both of you in many ways. First, they get their rest. Second, you get to exercise your leadership and authority. Third, you build a good working relationship with your leaders. Fourth, you get the opportunity to be blessed in return because you blessed another. It's a Win-Win situation.

3. Treat them to a refreshing rest

If you can afford it, you can treat your pastor and his spouse to an all-expense-paid rest. Of course, it might sound expensive, but you can ask other church people to contribute some amount so that you can send your pastor and his wife to a cozy hotel room, spa, or any relaxing place that you know.

Better yet, offer to treat them to a prayer retreat, where they can get both physical and spiritual refreshing.

Do it in honour of God

Friends, our pastors and church leaders are humans, too, and thus need our support and love. Let us honour them according to how God wants us to.

"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, 'You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,' and, 'The laborer is worthy of his wages.'" (1 Timothy 5:17-18)