3 Ways Christians Should Respond To Feelings Of Inadequacy


Corporate and popular culture teaches us what we are to do with our strengths and weaknesses. Best practices on creating resumes, handling social media profiles, first meetings with acquaintances, and dating dictate that we put our strengths forward and hide our weakness.

It's interesting however how the Bible teaches us to view and treat weakness differently. Paul shares how he chose to "boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Corinthians 12:9) Weakness is not necessarily something to be ashamed of.

But if we are to be completely honest about things, it's not always easy to be open about our weaknesses. Sometimes feelings of inadequacy can get the better of us. How can we respond to feelings of inadequacy in a way that overcomes? Here are three ways.

1. Surrender It To Christ

When we follow Jesus, He desires for us to surrender our all to Him and lay them at the foot of the cross—our weaknesses included. God doesn't just want our best. He also wants our brokenness and inadequacy.

In fact, unless we surrender our weakness to Christ, our weaknesses will only remain weaknesses that cannot be overcome, not because God cannot but that He will not unless we surrender it first.

2. Accept Your Weakness

Some have claimed that accepting our weakness precedes surrendering it to Christ. Others say that we must surrender our weakness first to Christ before accepting it. Whichever comes first, one thing we know for sure is that we must accept our weakness.

Many times there is something we can do to improve in our areas of weakness. But there are also other instances when we can do nothing to improve in our area of weakness. One area of weakness I have is my natural tendency to shy away from leadership. But in the years I have led, I have learned to rely on the Holy Spirit to give me the confidence and courage to lead.

3. Partner With Someone Who Is Strong Where You Are Weak

One of the most beautiful ways that God helps us in our weakness is to bring someone to our life who is naturally an expert in the areas we constantly fail in. It may be a business partner, a friend, an officemate, a church mentor or even a spouse.

Whichever it is, God brings people into our life whom we can build a relationship with and rely on to be strong where we are weak.