3 ways Christians do the devil's work for him

 (Photo: Unsplash/CalebEkeroth)

Christians are given the great privilege of representing God to those who don't know Him. We are all being continually transformed into the image and likeness of Christ, to the end that everything we do should point to Him.

Some Christians, however, may or may not realize it but instead of doing the things that God wants them to do, they are already doing the devil's work for him. We are all called to do the Lord's work in His vineyard, but sadly, some of us who say we follow and obey Christ are doing the devil's work.

But how do Christians do the devil's work for him, you may ask? Here are a few ways Christians do the enemy's work for him.

1) Slander, falsely accuse, and condemn

Probably the most common of the three I will share for now, many Christians falsely accuse their fellow believers, slander them, and even condemn them in the company of others. This is terrible!

Revelation 12:10 tells us that Satan is the accuser of the brethren who accuses us all day and night before God. If we accuse our fellow believers wrongly, slander them, and condemn them for their past sins that God has already forgiven, don't we all do the devil's work for him?

When a Christian gossips and slanders others, passing made-up false testimonies about a certain brother or sister in the church, those who hear and believe will be convinced to side against the slanderer's victims.

Even pastors do this, by setting up their own groups and talking down other churches, fellowships, and ministers. This should not be.

2) Teach false doctrine

The Lord Jesus said to Peter about His church, "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

Based on this verse we know that the forces of darkness will come and do what they can to destroy the church.

There are some Christians, however, who may or may not know it but they are being deceived in their thoughts and actions and actually opposing the church of Christ. How? 

By espousing theology and teaching that is completely contrary to the Word of God and instead following the mores and ideas of the day. 

3) Incite others to sin

Lastly, when a Christian incites a fellow believer to sin, that's just plain demonic. For one to be "demonic," you don't need fire and all sorts of scary costumes with horns, tails and forked tongues. All that you need is to introduce sin to a believer's life.

The Bible tells us that our "adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (see 1 Peter 5:8). The enemy is always on the lookout for someone to tempt and incite to commit sin, and we should not help him.

If we do this to our fellow believers, either by offending them or inciting them to anger, or even causing them to sin in other ways, we are actually doing the devil's work for him. We must not do this!

Worst of all

Many Christians may not realize this, but the worst thing we can do (which actually greatly helps the devil in his work) is to cause others to deny or reject Christ with our words and actions.

If our lifestyle goes contrary to what we preach or say to unbelievers, they will see our hypocrisy. It's time for us to read our Bibles and obey what they say. It's time for us to pray and seek God. It's time for us to do what glorifies God.

In closing

Friends, have you ever done any of these to fellow believers? If you have, then repent of it before the Lord and strive to live right before Him.