3 ways Christians behave worse than unbelievers

Many Christians carry the name, not the character. Pixabay

Ironically, Christians tend to behave worse than unbelievers at times. I know this topic will offend many, but I am sure that those who were offended by un-Christ-like behavior from those who confess to follow Christ can attest to this: some Christians aren't really Christ-like at all.

I want to address an important issue affecting the body of Christ today: the fleshly lifestyle of many believers. We are all guilty of this at some point in our lives as Christians, but if no one points this out, we won't realize that we are doing wrong.

Without further ado, here are a few ways Christians behave worse than unbelievers.

1) When a Christian becomes judgmental instead of being redemptive

Friends, there's a huge difference between seeing a person's fault and rebuking him so that he can be corrected, and seeing a person's fault and condemning him for it.

Many Christians are guilty of this wrong attitude and behavior. We see a brother in sin, but instead of reaching out to help him be delivered from bondage, we gossip about him or exclude him from our fellowship. We fail to extend grace to him, forgetting that we ourselves are merely recipients of grace by the mercies of God.

2) When we consider ourselves better than unbelievers (or other churches)

Another wrong attitude that translates to wrong behavior. Being a "holier-than-thou" Christian is very, very wrong. It is self-righteousness to the max.

Jesus said, "why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." (see Matthew 7:3-5)

Many of us are quick to point out the wrong in a brother's walk with Christ. We see their failures and sins, but we deny or ignore our own, and mask it by emphasizing that others have faults. Finger-pointing and blame games anyone?

3) When we fail to share the full Gospel to unbelievers and believers alike

Seriously, don't we act like unbelievers in the Lord Jesus Christ if we don't share the Gospel? Think about it.

Unbelievers are so bold and confident in sharing what they believe in, even though the Bible may show that what they are saying is wrong. We Christians, fearful and scared of receiving public rejection and ridicule, don't even mention the name of Jesus Christ and what He has done for all to the people we know. Ironic, isn't it?

We have the hope of all the world in us. We are called by the name that is above all names. We profess to follow the Lord of all creation. But we shrink at the thought of sharing the truth to everyone we know. Isn't that ridiculous?

Friends, unless we share Christ to the people we "love," we really don't love them. Christ is the Saviour who saved us from sin and death, and allowed us to live an abundant life. If we truly love people, we will share His love to them.