3 values that should never be replaced by doctrinal accuracy


It is said that doctrine and the pursuit of it is one of the modern day Christian's most prevalent duty and delight. It would be modest to say that Christianity would not be enjoyable without the pursuit of proper doctrine.

Doctrine is defined as a set of beliefs held and taught by a group of people. Our doctrine is what holds us together and helps us teach, rebuke and edify one another.

But as enjoyable, helpful and fulfilling as working out doctrine is, it is not the most valuable thing in the Christian faith. As important as working out our eschatology, belief of predestination, view of grace and understanding of theology is, it is not number one on our list of Christian values.

Sadly, many Christians have placed too much emphasis on doctrinal accuracy and as a result have replaced other values with this. We must remember that although doctrine is spiritually inspired, it is born through earthly understanding. And just like any earthly value, it can become an idol.

Here are three values that have often been overtaken by doctrine, and how we can be careful not to sacrifice them for the sake of political correctness.

1. Relationships

Romans 12:16 says "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight." Doctrine must never take the place of relationships within our hearts.

When a brother or sister in Christ disagrees with your doctrine, it is good to work on it together. However, it becomes detrimental when we start using doctrine against each other. Doctrine, by definition, is meant to strengthen relationships and not destroy them.

2. Unity

1 Corinthians 13:3 reminds us, "And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." Knowledge and understanding are important, but not as important as love and unity are. God has called the church to be united as one, not necessarily in doctrine but in love.

Some will argue, "what if doctrine has been destroyed in our church by leaders?" but before we get to that we must first ask ourselves, "what am I doing to bring unity to our church?" Where doctrine, knowledge and wisdom fail, love and unity will not fail. As has been said, people don't care how much you know if they don't know how much you care.

3. Jesus

As absurd as it may seem to many that doctrine can replace Jesus, it is not far from possible. We can be obsessed by our belief in God so much that it becomes our God. When we value being right over valuing God's people, you'll be surprised how quickly you can abandon Jesus as the center of your life.

Political correctness can lead to pride, arrogance, bitterness and dissent. Jesus never does that. Jesus is not a doctrine, but a Person.