3 Tips on How You Can Instantly Become a Morning Person


Not everybody functions well in the morning. Some people are so adverse to the idea of being up and running so early in the day that they become cranky and irritable if they wake up anytime before noon.

However, people cannot escape the realities of life. They have to go to school or report for work. These things require people to wake up early, and it's doubly difficult for those who are not morning persons.

Sports enthusiast Sammy Solomon wrote for The Huffington Post that people only need to make some adjustments in their routines so they can easily embrace the morning lifestyle.

First, she said people should try mentally planning out their days. When people wake up, they should assess their to-do list for the day and think of at least one thing they can look forward to. It could be a simple thing such as getting a cookie during lunch break or getting a cup of coffee in one's favourite cafe. Doing so would make people eager to start their days and avoid any morning crankiness.

Next, Solomon suggested meditation. "Meditation is one of the best ways to jumpstart your morning as it will clear your mind and relax your body before your day begins," she said. "Even just 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises and focused mental thought can completely alter your mindset heading into the day."

And finally, Solomon said people should take the time out to enjoy a hearty breakfast. A lot of people don't like eating breakfast, but it's actually the most important meal of the day. She said eating breakfast helps kickstart one's metabolism, and it will even boost people's energies throughout the day.

"Also, if you have a delicious plate of bacon and eggs in your near future, it'll give you a reason to get out of bed and get your day started," she said.