3 things Christian husbands can do to encourage their wives to pursue the Lord

"So encourage each other and build each other up..." (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Pixabay

Husbands are in the best position to help their wives in the pursuit of God. Not only is it a fulfilling role to play in the lives of our dear spouses, it's also a responsibility that God will hold all of us husbands to account when time comes.

That said, are you a husband looking for ways to stir up your wife to love the Lord Jesus Christ even more? If you are, then let me help you. If you aren't then let me encourage you to do so.

How to encourage your wife to pursue the Lord

The Bible is clear about the husband's role as leader of the home, even with regard to spiritual matters. The husband or father is not just the primary financial provider of the family, he is also the one who leads his wife and kids in the pursuit of Jesus Christ.

Every husband must realize that this is not an additional burden to carry. It's actually of utmost importance, next to his personal relationship with God. Out of his personal time with God comes a desire to lead his wife and kids into God's word and presence as well.

Knowing this, there are a few things every husband can do to encourage his wife to pursue Christ. Here are some of the most important things, I believe, that can greatly motivate a wife to follow Christ.

1) Pursue Christ yourself

Dear husband, don't tell your wife to go and spend her time reading her Bible, praying, and going to church if you yourself won't do it. That's a great hypocrisy.

If you want your wife to be naturally encouraged to pursue Christ, then pursue the Lord Jesus Christ yourself. Make time for Him, take the practical steps that show He is first place in your life and in your heart.  If you're sleeping in all the time, never open your Bible and harldy pray, you can't expect your wife to do these things either or wonder why she is not respecting you.  Trust me, my friend, she will see you loving the Lord, she will notice, and when she does, she will be naturally inclined to follow the Lord with you.  

2) Set aside time to pray and read the Bible with her

This follows on from what I just said.  Friends, your wife won't tell you this, but deep down inside she longs for you to be the spiritual leader at home. She longs for you to sit down with her to pray and read the Bible together. When you do that, the results are amazing.

Set aside time to pray with your wife and read the Bible with her. You don't need to be a pastor or Bible school student or graduate to do this. And yes, you don't need to know everything about the word of God. Just pray and read it together, and obey the Lord together.

So set your alarm for those morning quiet times together, put off that get together with your friends for time in the Word with your wife instead, and turn off that TV to pray with her at the end of the day. If you do that, she will feel adored as your partner in Christ and assured that you are leading the family according to the will of God.

3) Choose to serve the Lord with her ALWAYS

Don't go off thinking that you've got a calling while your wife is left with all the chores and the kids at home. Your super-spiritual heroism will stink in her eyes (and nose, for that matter). Instead of serving the Lord by yourself and leaving home responsibilities to her, choose to serve the Lord together always.

Help your wife with what needs to be done at home, and then ask her to serve God with you. Make it easy for her to give her time to acts of service. Inspire her to serve God by serving her.

In Closing

Guys, I just want to encourage you to inspire your wives to seek God. Christ gave Himself up for us so that we could be reconciled with the Father, and we are commanded to be willing and serious in laying our lives down to love our wives so that they'd find it easier and more joyful to live for God as well.

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5:25-27)