3 Things Being A Christian Isn't


Christianity is under attack. One way the enemy attacks is by planting tares among the wheat. We normally interpret this as the real Christians from the fake Christians, with the real believers of Christ being saved and the fake ones being condemned to hell.

This also implies the enemy's subtle tactic of introducing the wrong beliefs, disguising them as real and legitimate doctrines.

I will not talk about doctrine here. I simply would like to correct the wrong perceptions many of our brothers and sisters all over the world have about Christianity. I pray we will all be guarded against the deception of the enemy. Let us not allow ourselves to "be led astray from the simplicity that is in Christ" (see 2 Corinthians 11:3).

Christian Simplicity

Friends, as Christians, we should not get carried away by human teachings that are against the knowledge of God. Our minds should be renewed by nothing less than God's Word, our character moulded into the likeness of Christ, and our attitude as bold as a lion for we are made righteous by Christ's atonement.

Knowing these, here are some wrong but widely-accepted ideas about what a Christian should be.

1. A Christian Should Be Tremendously And Overly Nice And Kind

Christians are indeed told to be "harmless as doves" in Matthew 10:16. But in the same verse all Christians are also told to be "as wise as serpents." We are not instructed to become naïve or pushovers, a people who can't even hold their own opinion for fear of driving people away from Christianity. That is a lie!

Jesus was very bold. He drove out all the moneychangers and dove sellers inside the temple because they "have made it a den of thieves." (see Matthew 21:13) He was relentless in putting His Father first, even if the public hated Him for it.

2. A Christian Believes That God Moves In Mystical Ways

I've spoken with and heard of Christians who see the Holy Spirit as some mystical Guy who favours only the "anointed ones," or is someone who works in the shadows without anybody knowing what He's going to do. Hearing them talk about the Holy Spirit is like listening to a video game or a magic story. No, that's not how God works.

In John 15:15, Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master does. But I have called you friends, for everything that I have heard from My Father have I made known to you."

Simply put, if we have a relationship with Him, He will make God's plans plain to us. Why grope in the dark and guess where God moves if you can just ask Him and hear from His Word?

3. A Christian Should Be Scared Of Sin

Oh yes, "the wages of sin is death" alright, "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (see Romans 6:23). I know this. Many Christians fear sin because it seems powerful. Yes it is powerful, but Christ has already defeated sin and death, and made a public spectacle of the enemy on the cross (see Colossians 2:13-15).

Knowing this, Christians shouldn't be scared of sin. While care should be given so that we won't sin anymore, we shouldn't fear sin. We should fear God who will judge all sin.