3 reasons why we should be careful with our words


Words are very powerful. The Bible says that our tongues have "the power of life and death." (see Proverbs 18:21)

This is true indeed. If you're looking for some proof, then here are some things to ponder on.

Personal experiences

Do you have family members or neighbours that usual talk negatively? Or do you have friends who tend to say hurtful words? If you have, then you know how it feels to hear words that are negative and damaging in nature. Foul words and words that convey a message of hopelessness and worthlessness discourage us and dampen our spirit.

Scientific proof

Even scientific researchers found some proof of the effects of words. A Japanese scientist named Masaru Emoto tried to see the effect of various words on water. He exposed water to different words, both encouraging and discouraging. His team evaluated the effects of words on the water through water crystals formed when the water got frozen. Emoto's team found that certain words, such as "thank you" produced beautiful, symmetrical water crystals that appeared like works of art. Hurtful words, such as "you disgust me" formed patterns that can't even be recognised due to its chaotic look!

Here are some reasons why you should be careful with your words.

1. Your words have power

Think about it. Words are very powerful. God, the Creator of everything in existence, created all things using His very words. We find our strength and hope in the truth of His Word. His promises encourage us, His commands empower and direct us, and His encouragement keeps us going. God's words sure are powerful, and if you were made in His image, then you should realise that your words have some power in them, too.

2. You can't take them back

Once you release a word from your mouth, there's no taking them back. You can be sorry for the hurtful words you said to your mom, or to the lies that you uttered to your wife. But the truth is that even if they forgive you, the damage is done – you've already hurt them (and displeased God), and you can't undo that.

3. God will hold you accountable for every word you say

The Bible says that all of us will give an account for every idle word we speak. The Lord Jesus Himself said that our words will either acquit us, or condemn us. (see Matthew 12:36-37)

In addition, your words are what people will listen to and watch out for, carefully examining your way of life and checking it against the words you release from your mouth. Just like what policemen say, "Anything you say can be used against you."