3 Reasons Why God Doesn't Do What We Ask Him to Do


There are times in our lives when we don't get what we pray for. We ask God to do this thing for us, but He doesn't do it – isn't that frustrating? Actually, it shouldn't be, because God has reasons for that.

When Prayers Don't Get Answered the Way We Want It to Be Answered

Have you ever made a request that was turned down? You ask your mom or dad for something, but they don't give. You tell your wife or husband to do this, but they don't. There are various reasons why they do that, and some of those reasons are quite valid:

• It can't be done;

• It can be done, but it's not right;

• It can be done, but they're not capable of doing it;

• It's wrong to do it.

With God, however, things become quite different. After all, we know God to be the all-powerful being that He is, and nothing's impossible with Him. So why does He not give us what we pray for?

I hope to offer some reasons that I've seen in the Bible and in the lives of His people.

1. We Ask With the Wrong Motives

James 4:3 tells us, "And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure." Having the wrong motives automatically puts a "reject" stamp on our requests.

Think about it. God is a good Father who plans not to harm us but to prosper us. Why would He give us something that will just be for our own demise in sin? God will not support wrong motives. Let's check our hearts.

2. We Go Against His Plans

The Bible tells us that "The Lord mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble" (Proverbs 3:34).

Every request we make that is against His directives and commands is a display of pride that says we think we know better than Him.

Although the Lord Jesus said we can ask God for anything, He said we should ask in His name (see John 14:14).

This simply means that when we ask God for something, we ask as a representative of Christ, someone carrying His authority. And if Christ did nothing, who are we to ask for something that the Father doesn't want for us?

3. We Ask Something That Is Contrary to His Character

God is a gracious, kind, merciful, loving, holy, righteous, and just God. He is our good Father, and if we ask something that goes against His character, we can't expect Him to respond the way we want.

Take Jonah, for example. Although he didn't ask God to pour out wrath on Nineveh for its cruel treatment of Israel, it is evident in his actions that he really wanted God to destroy the wicked nation to whom he was sent to preach. (see Jonah 4)

God, however, responded differently: He used a plant to show Jonah how merciful He was toward those who are in bondage to sin and the devil. God's character is just and holy alright, but it is balanced by His loving kindness.

Think about it: Have you ever asked God for something that would throw Him off character? If yes, then expect that He won't respond the way you want to.