3 Qualities Single Ladies Should Pray For In A Husband


Marriage is a serious but fun relationship that requires one to pray and think before choosing to commit. Many single men and women make the mistake of marrying someone they think is ideal, and then end up wanting to leave the relationship because of conflict, unmet expectations, and hurts.

The truth is that single men and women can avoid the unnecessary pain by being wise and prayerful in choosing their right partner. God wants all men and women to marry the right person, and while He does put His hand in our circumstances to help us make the right decisions, the choice is still ours to make.

A Heart For You

Today, I am writing for the purpose of helping single ladies know the right man to marry. This short list can also help single men out there become the man God would entrust His daughter to.

Dear ladies, I want you to know that if you are in Christ, you are God's daughters, and God wouldn't want to entrust you to a man who won't have His heart for you. (Dear gentlemen, I also want you to know that if you are in Christ, you are God's sons, and God wants you to prioritise Him and have His heart for everything, especially the marriage you'll soon have.)

What Ladies Should Pray For In A Husband

Ladies, here are some things you should pray for in a future husband (Gentlemen, here's what you should ask God to develop in you).

1. The Fear Of The Lord

First off, the most important thing here is that the man you should marry is someone who fears the Lord. He should be someone not scared of hell, not scared of problems, and not scared of the devil, but having the fear of the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 tells us to "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil."

The God-fearing man will always acknowledge that God sees everything and will strive to live a life pleasing to Him. And that includes how he will live with you as your husband.

2. Obedience To The Word of God

Jesus said, "[h]e who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me" (see John 14:21). A man who truly loves God will not just talk or preach about Him. He will obey Him.

One of the commands that God gave to all husbands is that they would love their wives as Christ loved the church (see Ephesians 5:25). If the man you marry doesn't read the Word and obey it, chances are he won't try to do that.

 3. A Prayerful Man

Lastly, the Lord Jesus also said, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (see Mark 14:38). Although He said this to Peter as He was about to be arrested, the principle remains the same: Prayerful men who prioritise the Spirit instead of the flesh are stronger when faced with temptation.

A man who prioritises his relationship with God will be prayerful, and will be prioritising his marriage more than any other human relationship he has. This is because God has commanded it. Pray that your future husband will be a prayerful man who will lead your family in the matters of God.