3 practical ways to avoid temptation


Temptation comes in many shapes and sizes, but one thing for sure is that all of it is meant to derail and destroy a Christian's life. These temptations are designed specifically for each person, and all of them are attractive to the one being tempted.

The good thing is that with every temptation from the devil, God provides a way of escape for all Christians to flee to safety (see 1 Corinthians 10:13).

Fleeing to safety

Just like how a small vent releases pressure, God's way of escape prevents a Christian from falling into sin and consequent demise. When we are faced by these tests, we can always choose to win every single time by the grace of God. One thing that is even better, however, is that we take the ounce of prevention, which is easier to swallow than the pound of cure.

Are you praying that God would not lead you into temptation? Know that you also have your part in achieving that.

Here are three practical ways to avoid temptation.

1. Know what tempts you, and stay away from it

James tells us that, "Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away" (James 1:15). We should therefore know what our desires are, because these are the very things that the enemy will use to tempt us. When we admit to ourselves that this or that entices us and easily catches our attention, we can then take steps to stay away from it.

For example, a man who admits to have a problem with looking at women with revealing clothes can decide not to look at them. Better yet, they should follow the example of Job, who made a covenant with his eyes not to look at a girl to lust for her (see Job 31:1).

2. Get some help with accountability

Having someone check on you helps you stay on your toes against sin. For example, you can ask your spouse, or pastor, or best buddy to check on your habits, asking questions like, "Are there any things you are ashamed to admit?" or "How are your times alone?" It really helps to have one (see Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

3. Stand your ground and flee whenever you know temptation is coming

We read in Genesis 39 that Potiphar's wife kept pressuring Joseph to sleep with her. Joseph, for his part, rejected the woman's offer, and when she forcefully grabbed the young man, he "tore himself away," even leaving his cloak in the hands of the woman.

In the same way, you need to choose to run away from temptation most especially when it is forcefully seducing you to sin. When it gets hard to resist, the best way to respond is to run away and never let it get a hold of you!