3 Bible Verses To Sustain Your Faith When You Feel 'Dry'


We all go through different "seasons" in life as Christ-followers. While our life in Christ begins beautifully like a rose bud opening to reveal the flower, we can also feel sadness and loneliness at times. This, my friends, could be due to a season of dryness.

Dry Season

Many of us go through a dry season sometime in our lives as Christian. Some who experience this think that God isn't speaking to them. At times, it feels like a drag to simply hear from God and read from His Word. When dry season comes, it really does feel dry.

One thing that we should note, however, is that faith is not synonymous with feelings. Just because we feel dry doesn't mean God isn't there. And just because we feel like God isn't talking to us through His Word doesn't mean He is mum. We just can't feel it.

Friends, dry seasons are part of life. The best thing that you can do in a dry season is to be like a cactus: storing water inside its slender frame so that it will survive. Prepare for it to come.

Breaking Dry Ground

To help you face dry seasons in life, here are some Scripture verses that will encourage you.

John 4:13-14 – "Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water that I shall give him will become in him a well of water springing up into eternal life."" (Pixabay)