3 Bible Verses To Help You When You're Confused And Don't Know What To Do


As human as we are, we are limited in almost everything. One of our limitations is that we don't know everything, and because of this many of us have faced various "dead ends" and times wherein we don't know what to do.

Many of us are confused with ourselves. We ponder what on earth are we here for. Many of us know that we were made for God's pleasure, and yet we wonder what we should be doing to please Him. Some of us simply wonder what our role in God's great plan will be.

Freedom And Peace To Choose

Friends, God has given us the freedom to choose what we are going to do. He gave us our free will, and with it we are able to choose the paths that we will take. Our freedom to choose, however, needs to be tempered with God's wisdom and peace.

Colossians 3:15 tells us to "let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts." We need to have Christ's peace in our decision-making, a peace that comes from knowing that what we are doing or what we have decided on is according to the will of God for our lives.

To help you break free from confusion, see a pathway through a dead end, and have the peace of Christ as you make decisions, here are a few Bible verses for you.
