12 easy ways we can show our love for the unchurched


One of the most important tasks that Jesus has set every believer is to be a light to the world and salt upon the earth. When you become a Christian and start becoming empowered by the Holy Spirit, you become empowered not just so that you can keep the blessing to yourselves but so that you can be a light unto others as well.

Matthew 5:16 tells us, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." God doesn't want you to be a leech Christian. He wants you to be a channel of God's love, not just to believers but even to the unchurched. Here are twelve simple and easy ways we can be a blessing to the unchurched.

  1. Deliberately go out of your way to meet the lost in their comfort zones instead of waiting for them to walk into your church.
  2. Step out in faith to believe God for the resources and time to start projects that may give you an opportunity to engage the lost, whether it's through compassion ministries or simple house parties where you can engage unchurched friends.
  3. Wear your faith on your sleeve.  It's not much use doing lots of good if the people around you don't know you are a Christian and how this motivates your actions.  Seek out opportunities to share your testimony to people who are hurt and lost. Your story could be the binoculars they need to see Christ.
  4. Actively seek to be a blessing by responding to certain needs that unchurched people may have. If they are in need of finances, advice or just a helping hand, be ready to help out.
  5. People will hardly get offended by an offer to pray for them. It's hard to debate and argue about the existence and presence of God, but it's relatively easier to offer a word of encouragement through prayer.
  6. Act in patience when it comes to seeing changes in behaviour. Some new Christians will find it harder to let go of certain struggles, but that's alright. What's important is what God is doing in their heart.
  7. Let people know how much you truly care about them. If our agenda is always to convert people to a religion, we lose more opportunities to actually meet heart-felt needs.  Their number one need is not religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus as their Saviour.
  8. Stay relevant and up to date about the latest trends and ideas so that you can strike conversations that will engage people to build acquaintances with you.
  9. Sow a heart of compassion before all else. If in our hearts, we only want to prove ourselves or meet a requirement, we won't be effective witnesses. It has to start with our heart.
  10. Walk the talk. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you with the fruit of the Spirit so that people will be blessed by your presence, not burdened.
  11. Use your hobbies, gifts and interests as opportunities to connect with people of the same interests.
  12. Actively seek out opportunities to encourage and motivate people. The world is full of hate and pessimism and people are looking for light. You can be that light.