10 of the best (or worst) Christian bumper stickers

Ever taken a close look at the car in front and noticed a confusing instruction stuck to the bumper? Then looked again and realised it's a Christian message? Here are ten of the best examples we found:

1. This one is somewhat misleading, especially for the geographically challenged. What if you're not actually travelling to the same place?


2. How about scaring the evil atheists into submission while simultaneously taking passive-agression to a whole new level?


3. This doesn't even begin to make sense:


4: One for the scientists, sorry, "scientists":


5: And one for budding mathematicians (we're not sure what this means either):


6: A strange conflation of corporate greed and eternal provision:


7: Less passive, just very aggressive:


8: They do say confidence is key:


9: That's one way to get rid of tailgaters:


10: And finally, a round of applause for this guy:


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