New Moderator of Presbyterian Church condemns homophobia
The new leader of Ireland's influential Presbyterian Church has criticised homophobia and spoken of his admiration for ministers he knows who are attracted to people of the same-sex.
Evangelical Alliance urges Christians to build links with Muslims
Evangelical Christians have been urged to build links with Muslims in their local communities as the Muslim Council of Britain holds its annual "Visit My Mosque" day this weekend.
Church stance on contraception under pressure in face of Zika virus
The Catholic church in Latin America is under growing pressure to relax its ban on artificial contraception as concerns grow over the impact of the Zika virus.
Dracula inspired by Anglican priest from Devon
The original Count Dracula was inspired by a hymn-writing Church of England clergyman from Devon, according to new material unearthed by one of the world's leading Dracula scholars.
Pope gives two children the ride of their lives â in his Popemobile
A family vacationing in Rome who had planned to make just a quick stop at the Vatican were surprised when the Pope invited two of their children for a 10-minute ride on the Popemobile.
Bishop TD Jakes launches new app to make the Bible more accessible in a digital age
Megachurch pastor Bishop TD Jakes has launched a "TD Jakes Ministries Bible App", hoping to make the Bible more accessible in a digital age.
Love Auto-Repair: How one church's mechanical ministry is bringing good news to its community
Craig Agapie is the manager of Love Auto Repair, a Christian garage seeking to be good news to downtown Fort Wayne by providing affordable car-repairs and apprenticeships for young people in the foster-system.
Israeli teens charged over anti-Christian hate graffiti
Three teenagers have been charged in Jerusalem for allegedly writing "Christians to hell" and other religious hate messages on the walls of a Benedictine abbey and an Orthodox seminary next door.
UK sees sudden surge in churchgoing after years of decline
As many as six in 10 Britsh adults visited a church, chapel or religious meeting house in the last 12 months, according to a new survey.
Christian university head says Donald Trump will not be invited to speak on his campus
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has won a glowing endorsement from evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr, president of Liberty, the largest Christian university in the US, but there will be no such support coming forth from the president of evangelical Oklahoma Wesleyan University.
Calais 'jungle' church and mosque demolished
Bulldozers moved in to the "jungle" refugee camp in Calais this morning to demolish the mosque, St Michael's Church and other nearby structures.
Jamaican pastor weeps as he reaches retirement after decades of 'miraculous' ministry
One of Jamaica's most popular pastors has finally retired at the age of 72 after a life of extraordinary and even miraculous ministry. He and the church survived earthquake, arson and even an attempt on his own life.
73% of Americans support football coaches' prayers during games, survey shows
Seven of ten Americans are in favour of allowing football coaches at public high schools to lead prayers during games, according to a new survey.
Archbishops set aside Pentecost 2016 in bid to evangelise England
The Archbishop of Canterbury is heading the biggest evangelism project in the UK so far this millennium. Every cathedral, church and clergyman and woman in the land is being urged to share their faith and win new converts to Christianity.
Ted Cruz pays tribute to pastor who turned his atheist father into a Christian, leading to his own redemption
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says aside from his parents, he would not be where he is now aspiring for the presidency of the greatest country in the world without a pastor named Brother Gaylon Wiley.