Is Jesus the answer to depression? Not necessarily
We can end up feeding the wrong belief of many that 'real Christians' don't have mental health problems, don't self harm and certainly don't take their own lives.
How to see angels: They are nearer than we think
Angels are popular. Many people believe in them and, for a supposedly secular age, a surprising number of individuals have seen them.
25 years of women's ordination: A sermon
There are few images in Scripture that show a scene of such intimacy, and such public exposure at the same time.
Have Christians got Jeremiah 29:11 all wrong?
Jeremiah 29:11 has become the most popular verse on social media, according to a recent analysis.
What I learned when I gave God 'one last chance'
Outwardly I was making my way through life "okay," but the internal gears were grinding hard.
Here's how Britain's changing weather is affecting wildlife
In February 2019, bumblebee queens were out looking for nest sites, adult butterflies were emerging from their winter hibernation and blossom appeared on some trees and shrubs. But what will be the long-term effects of 2019's early spring?
3 reasons why we should keep Lent
Lent is never celebrated but only 'kept' and is not so much marked by what we do but what we don't do: it's the season of giving things up.
Why the 'healing ninjas' are wrong: God shows up in our suffering
Suffering is an anathema today and it seems it no longer has a place in our Christian faith either.
Managing Momo: Why coddling our kids isn't the way to protect them from harm
This past week another disturbing internet game hit the news â the Momo challenge.
Being trolled for an article on this site taught me how unwelcome Christian talk can be
A steady spew of hateful anti-faith dribble poured relentlessly onto my page with all the charm of a burst sewer pipe.
The unexpected challenge of the Parable of the Pounds
Every so often, a new look at an old story opens our eyes to a new meaning.
We're all individuals: In an age of identity politics, Jesus sees the person
As a white, middle class male I am not used to standing out. I haven't had to fight past barriers that others have, I haven't had to overcome others perceptions of me.
Non-believers are open to talking about faith but don't think Christians are good listeners
When Christians attempt to engage in conversation with non-believing friends and family, they should not rush the effort to evangelize, says a study by the Barna Group.
Why do bad things happen to Christians?
When we face hard times, it may not be easy to feel like God cares for us or is in control
Why has this verse replaced John 3:16 as most popular on social media?
John 3:16 deals with the profoundest mysteries of the faith, with life and death, a bloody sacrifice and an eternal hope. It calls for a response, an existential choice between light and darkness.