
3 tips to make the most of your time daily
Have you ever experienced the feeling that your time isn't enough to do all that you should and would want to?

3 tips to have fun while serving the Lord in ministry
Serving the Lord in ministry is the most enjoyable thing to do.

Growing in God: Why it's vital we learn to accept and even appreciate rebuke
It seems so embedded in our culture nowadays to turn down the value of rebuke and correction, being quick to label the stern discipline as judgemental, but when we really understand the fullness of the love of Christ it will lead us to value discipline and correction.

Jesus-centered marriage: Why you should consider your spouse as your co-worker in Christ
God has given married couples a wonderful gift to each other: the gift of partnership in working for His kingdom

'Scream Queens' season 2 spoilers: show premieres Sept. 20 with Chanel Oberlin in the asylum
A lot of big-name singers and actors are expected to arrive in this new season of "Scream Queens"

NFL Rumors Seattle Seahawks: Nate Robinson wants on the team
The NBA champion Nate Robinson has been in the NFL section of news lately, and for good reason: he is planning to joining the Seattle Seahawks this time around.

Dallas cowboys trade rumors: Darren McFadden sticking around until Ezekiel Elliott is stable?
It has been a grueling battle for the Dallas Cowboys this past year, and they are apparently seeking to regain their former glory with this new trading season.

3 lessons in life from the book of Ecclesiastes
The Preacher says: money won't bring you happiness. I read philosophy and didn't learn anything worth knowing.

Christian leaders row over Poet Laureate's 'God is gay' poem
A prominent Church of England bishop who compared a poem that states "God is gay" to the writings of St Paul has been condemned by a leading conservative evangelical theologian who accused him of failing to understand the New Testament.

Why your quiet time with God matters to your job
The prevailing concept of job competency today is that we are responsible for our own career growth, but this is not entirely true. While God gives us talents and abilities that we are to steward, ultimately it is Jesus who gives us strength to do all things.

How Christians should respond to society's moral decline
The basis and perfecter of our morality is no other than Jesus Christ and that to see a moral revival we must open ourselves up to the Person of Christ and the message of His work.

How to proclaim power of Jesus' love by sharing your testimony of faith to people around you
Jesus values the lost immensely and calls us to value them as well. He calls us to reach the lost by sharing our testimony of Christ to them.

Why the notion of perfectionism is hurting the church more than helping it
Perfectionism is found in Christ even when it is not found in the body of Christ.

Why pastors should value good health: The church rests on Jesus' shoulders, not on theirs
Many pastors tend to forget that God doesn't desire workers who are stressed out, tired, unhealthy and failing, but warriors who thrive in ministry living the victory over any sickness and disease that is in Jesus.

Next generation leadership: Why millennials are the future of ministry
Church attendance has been dropping amongst millennials in the past few years. Are churches giving up too prematurely on generation Y?

NBA Trade rumors: New York Knicks reportedly making moves on Rose
The Knicks are planning to create the ideal lineup this year, and who better to strengthen the new roster than the former NBA MVP Derrick Rose?