When you're down, here's the one thing needed for God to lift you up
We all want to be great, but the Christian way requires something different from us than what the world asks.
The Baptist hero who survived prison for the 'damnable doctrine' of infant baptism
Benjamin Keach (1640-1704) was a great English Baptist hero, who on this day in 1664 was tried by Lord Chief Justice Hyde for his heretical opinions.
Robert Grosseteste: The medieval bishop who (nearly) invented the Big Bang Theory
In today's world, where science and religion are often assumed to be in conflict, Robert Grosseteste reminds us that they aren't.
Nokia 9 release date, specs leaks hint at curved display, iris scanner
Expect a dust proof and water resistant Nokia 9 for up to 30 minutes in 1.5 meters deep water.
Thoughts and Prayers computer game mocks the Christian response to shootings... but does it have a point?
Christians are among the targets of a satirical online game designed in the midst of America's continuing mass-shooting epidemic.
Here's one reason why our faith doesn't seem to work
Have you ever wondered why there are times in our lives when our faith doesn't seem to work? Like, you've been praying and doing your best to wait on God but nothing really happens? Let's talk about that.
Why do bad things happen to me when all I do is follow Christ?
Maybe you're wondering why bad things happen to you when all you do is follow Christ. Here are some reasons why.
Researchers now think being vegetarian during pregnancy could be bad for the baby
Researchers think they've found a link between vegetarianism and harmful behaviors later in life.
(Assisted) Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
Dying is a difficult, draining and all too often dreadful business. No matter how great our confidence that to be with Christ is far better, the process of getting there is rarely one we relish if we are honest.
Is it OK for Christian teenagers to start dating or should they wait until they are older?
'I have watched otherwise strong, wise, and seemingly mature Christian young people completely lose their moral bearings when they find out that they are liked,' cautioned one church leader.
These 4 reasons are why youth workers are leaving the church
There is no doubt whatsoever, none at all, that the desperate passion that a youth worker feels for young people spurs them on within ministry.
When we grieve over terrible massacres like Las Vegas, God grieves with us
I hate this feeling of impotence, this sense that we can do nothing to prevent such atrocities from continuing.
A prayer for Las Vegas
At least 50 people died and more than 200 were injured during a shooting attack on a Las Vegas concert last night.
SNES Classic Edition stock latest news, update: Retailers to have enough units this holiday season
Retailers say that there is enough stock to last throughout the holiday season.
Jesus said 'Judge not...' So why are we so judgmental?
Somehow, in spite of Jesus' rather clear words on the subject, his followers have become synonymous with moralising and calling out the behaviour of others. However that happened, it's up to today's church to dismantle that view.