More children rejecting biblical worldview
A prominent Christian researcher is warning that "we are on the precipice of Christian invisibility in this nation," as new research shows that preteens are rejecting beliefs associated with a biblical worldview.
What is Lent and why do we keep it?
Lent is a traditional period in the Church calendar which precedes Easter. This the story ...
Mark Wahlberg lends support to Lent prayer campaign
Actor Mark Wahlberg appeared in a commercial during the Super Bowl to encourage people to pray this Lent.
On slavery, the Exodus and taking the plunge
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on the Exodus of the Israelites and what real freedom is.
Lysa TerKeurst remarries two years after divorce
Christian author Lysa TerKeurst has announced a "new chapter" in her life after marrying again.
Broadcaster tells how cancer brought her closer to God
Broadcaster and journalist Kate Nicholas has revealed how "a second cancer journey" brought her into a deeper relationship with God.
Christians more likely to use AI at work than non-Christians: survey
Self-identified Christians are more likely to use artificial intelligence in their work on at least some occasions than their non-Christian peers, according to survey data released by the Barna Group.
The heart of worship
We sang this song many times in the 2000s. I loved its beautiful melody. However, I was only convicted by the lyrics' meaning and challenge when I slowed down, saying each word aloud.
In praise of 'bus stop theology'
In our busy, rushing-around world, there are many people out there who are just longing for a chat.
Spiritual warfare
The devil is the great tempter and he puts temptations before us all the time.
If you could pray one prayer, what would it be?
If you were at the Western Wall and wanted to write one prayer to stick in the rocks, what would it be?
Do you see the grace in Deuteronomy?
You might have also thought Deuteronomy was dry or even worse, that it was just a book full of dreadful rules but if you zoom out you see a glorious picture of God's grace and care and how it all fits into the big picture of Jesus coming to set all things right and that is why I find Deuteronomy not dry or dreadful but delightful!
Faith focus: Navigating the New Year with help from the Bible
In the Christian tradition, this annual reset can hold a particular significance, serving as an opportune moment to rededicate oneself to a life guided by faith and spiritual principles.
When Jesus himself was a refugee from the holy land
As we watch the news of people fleeing the holy land, it reminds us that Jesus himself was also a refugee from that area. This is the story...
What are the Twelve Days of Christmas?
There is a well-known Christmas song called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Some people think it is steeped in biblical allegories. This is the story ...