The rise of the Japanese chefs - things you should know
(Partner post) European and American people feel a strong zeal for the Asian cuisine.
Rob Bell isn't cool: 3 proofs from an interview
Rob Bell's new Holy Shift Tour of the UK starts today, and you may be wanting to avoid it.
False freedom: Why Christians need to beware of the money trap
We live in an area of refined materialism, with the desire to increase, upgrade, customise and insure.
Blessing the murder of children? How to read Psalm 137
'O daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us â he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.'
Running out of gas: lessons from an unlikely crisis
While the abundance of C02 is damaging our global atmosphere, the lack of it in bottle form is arguably damaging the atmosphere in our hot and football-thirsty land.
Is carbon-based life the only way to be a Christian?
It really is the case that carbon and the other elements essential for life were made in the stars. We are all made of star-dust.
How to stay fit while working from home?
(Partner post) Do you work from home and often get engrossed in your work, so much that you forget about your health and wellness?
Tortured for Christ: How Richard Wurmbrand faced down expert Communist interrogators
Firing squads were simulated in the courtyard outside the prisoners' cells. Tape-recorded screams and random shouts were played throughout the night.
'Just Love': Jayne Ozanne's journey to self-acceptance
Jayne Ozanne has consistently sought to move the dial further and further in the direction of the full acceptance of gay and lesbian people in the life of the Church, and has suffered for it.
Tortured for Christ: The cost of discipleship for Richard Wurmbrand
On February 29, 1948, Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand was arrested on his way to a church service.
Spiritual wisdom from my garden: 6 lessons to encourage growth
Spending time in the garden and reflecting on my faith have helped me realise a few ways where gardening and growing in the Christian faith marry up.
Jack Phillips' bakery sees increase in customers after Supreme Court decision
The number of customers at Jack Phillips' Masterpiece Cakeshop has reportedly increased three-fold after US Supreme Court justices ruled in his favor in a lawsuit over his refusal to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.
How could this blind Iraqi refugee memorise 87 chapters of the Bible?
A blind Iraqi refugee has memorised an astonishing 87 chapters of the Bible using a solar-powered audio Bible.
Richard Dawkins claims abortion is a means to end human suffering
Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has claimed that abortion is a means to end human suffering in response to recent comments by Pope Francis likening abortion to the eugenics programme implemented by the Nazis.
French priest announces retirement after being filmed slapping crying baby during baptism
A French Catholic priest has been forced to retire after being filmed slapping a crying two-year-old baby during a baptism ceremony.