
\'Marvel\'s Inhumans\' receives bad reviews from fans, critics
'Marvel's Inhumans' receives bad reviews from fans, critics

ABC's upcoming TV show "Marvel's Inhumans" is set for release later this month, and yet critics and fans alike have doled out less than positive reviews following the release of the show's trailer last July and the early pilot screening on Sunday.

Google Pixel 2 offers high resolution phones without the headphone jack
Google Pixel 2 offers high resolution phones without the headphone jack

Coming soon in the world of smartphones is Google's flagship phone. Initially rumored to have three releases, the number of Pixel 2 releases have come down to two: a 4.97-inch display and a 6-inch display.

iPhone 8 leaked photos show dual camera, fast charging as Apple abandons rose gold
iPhone 8 leaked photos show dual camera, fast charging as Apple abandons rose gold

The upcoming iPhone 8 is Apples' tenth anniversary smartphone, and rumors have been floating for quite sometime about what the smartphone giant's latest will be like.

Nintendo World Championships dates, latest news: Competitions start Aug. 19; four weekends in eight locations
Nintendo World Championships dates, latest news: Competitions start Aug. 19; four weekends in eight locations

The events start in a week, spread over four weekends across eight locations.

\'Pokemon\' trading card game news: New \'Burning Shadows\' expansion pack includes 12 new GX cards
'Pokemon' trading card game news: New 'Burning Shadows' expansion pack includes 12 new GX cards

The latest expansion pack for the Pokemon trading card game was released last week and for those who still have not gotten their hands on it, there are a number of exciting cards to collect.

Malicious software SonicSpy makes its way to Google Play Store
Malicious software SonicSpy makes its way to Google Play Store

Report on the recent malware, what it can do and how to avoid it.

How to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower this August
How to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower this August

One of the most beautiful and anticipated celestial events is the Perseid meteor shower, which happens every year. The meteor shower began on July 17 and is expected to end on Aug. 27, which means that people still have a chance of catching a glimpse of the wonderful phenomenon.

Coen Brothers partner with Netflix for Western-inspired anthology \'The Ballad of Buster Scruggs\'
Coen Brothers partner with Netflix for Western-inspired anthology 'The Ballad of Buster Scruggs'

The unstoppable hitmakers Joel and Ethan Coen recently announced that they will be creating an anthology for Netflix.

\'The Assassination of Gianni Versace\' news: Ricky Martin, Ryan Murphy attempt to clear the air with Antonio D\'Amico
'The Assassination of Gianni Versace' news: Ricky Martin, Ryan Murphy attempt to clear the air with Antonio D'Amico

Ricky Martin aimed to mend fences with Gianni Versace's long-time partner, Antonio D'Amico, to defend " American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace."

\'Star Wars: The Last Jedi\' release date, plot news: Will sequel be too similar to \'The Empire Strikes Back\'?
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' release date, plot news: Will sequel be too similar to 'The Empire Strikes Back'?

Will the next movie just be like "The Empire Strikes Back" in terms of tone, or will it set itself apart from the rest of the movies?

\'No Man\'s Sky\' news: Hello Games to release \'Atlas Rises\' major game update
'No Man's Sky' news: Hello Games to release 'Atlas Rises' major game update

Details on what to expect from the major update coming to "No Man's Sky."

\'The Dark Tower\' movie review: Does box-office success translate to a good film?
'The Dark Tower' movie review: Does box-office success translate to a good film?

Despite its success at the box office, can "The Dark Tower" be deemed as a good film?

\'Hamilton\' in Los Angeles breaks records with their ticket prices
'Hamilton' in Los Angeles breaks records with their ticket prices

A report on Hamilton ticket costs, and how to get one. Details on when and where the play will take place.

\'Love and Lies\' episode 7 spoilers: Nejima confronts the white-haired man
'Love and Lies' episode 7 spoilers: Nejima confronts the white-haired man

The latest updates on Love and Lies, and the possible events that may occur in episode 7.

\'Watch Dogs 2\' updates: Details of 1.17 update revealed, possibly the game\'s last title update
'Watch Dogs 2' updates: Details of 1.17 update revealed, possibly the game's last title update

"Watch Dogs 2" recently released its latest patch, number 1.17. However, this newest update received mixed reactions, especially for those playing on the PC.

Oculus Rift news: Update 1.17 allows users to play Steam games; party chat included as well
Oculus Rift news: Update 1.17 allows users to play Steam games; party chat included as well

The latest patch update for Oculus Rift looks very promising, especially for its loyal users.