
\'Maleficent 2\' news: \'Edge of Tomorrow\' screenwriter on-board for sequel
'Maleficent 2' news: 'Edge of Tomorrow' screenwriter on-board for sequel

News about the new screenwriter for the sequel to the Disney live action film sequel of Maleficent.

\'Destiny 2\' DLC release date news: First expansion to feature Osiris, Mercury patrol zone
'Destiny 2' DLC release date news: First expansion to feature Osiris, Mercury patrol zone

Bungie has already laid its plans for the first DLC pack of "Destiny 2," even before the sequel is released.

\'The Mindy Project\' final season release date news, spoilers: Reese Witherspoon to appear in one episode
'The Mindy Project' final season release date news, spoilers: Reese Witherspoon to appear in one episode

A brief summary of the reports of Reese Witherspoon's guesting at The Mindy Project.

\'Pokemon Sun and Moon\' anime news: Brock and Misty to appear in two episodes
'Pokemon Sun and Moon' anime news: Brock and Misty to appear in two episodes

A report on the confirmation of Brock and Misty's inclusion in the next few episodes of Pokemon Sun and Moon.

\'Sonic Mania\' uses controversial DRM service; SEGA apologizes for game\'s offline issue
'Sonic Mania' uses controversial DRM service; SEGA apologizes for game's offline issue

"Sonic Mania" is the latest video game to make use of the controversial digital rights management (DRM) service Denuvo, and fans aren't thrilled.

Duggar family news: Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth expecting child
Duggar family news: Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth expecting child

A report on the public announcement of Joe-Anna Duggar being pregnant.

'Gran Turismo' PlayStation 4 Limited Edition release date, price news: Expect minimalist design, in-game credits

PlayStation is releasing a new special edition console that is modelled after the game, 'Gran Turismo Sport'. The console, along with the game, will be available on Oct. 18.

\'Pokémon GO\' tips and tricks: How to defeat the three new Legendary Pokémon
'Pokémon GO' tips and tricks: How to defeat the three new Legendary Pokémon

"Pokémon GO" is adding three new Legendary Pokémon to the game, which means fans need to team up once again to defeat Raikou, Entei and Suicune.

Apple event 2017 date, rumors: iPhone 8 may have facial recognition; Apple Watch, TV and iOS 11 set for announcement on Sept. 12
Apple event 2017 date, rumors: iPhone 8 may have facial recognition; Apple Watch, TV and iOS 11 set for announcement on Sept. 12

Apple's annual media event is set to happen this September, where possibly three iPhones will be unveiled, together with an upgraded Apple Watch, a new Apple TV and the final version of iOS 11.

iPhone 8 specs, features rumors: How wireless charging could work for Apple\'s new flagship
iPhone 8 specs, features rumors: How wireless charging could work for Apple's new flagship

The upcoming iPhone 8 might come with wireless charging, although users are still debating whether or not current technologies actually offer what they claim to offer.

\'Star Wars: The Last Jedi\' plot, cast news: Mark Hamill shares new photo, talks about comeback as Luke Skywalker
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' plot, cast news: Mark Hamill shares new photo, talks about comeback as Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill is returning to the big screen as the iconic Luke Skywalker. The actor posted a photo hinting at his character's comeback and opened up about once again donning the Jedi suit.

\'Jane the Virgin\' season 4 updates, spoilers: Is the show in trouble?
'Jane the Virgin' season 4 updates, spoilers: Is the show in trouble?

Jane the Virgin has some bad news to its fans. Is the show in a wee bit of trouble?

Ariana Grande concert in Vietnam, cancelled
Ariana Grande concert in Vietnam, cancelled

Due to an undisclosed health issue, Ariana Grande has called off her 'Dangerous Woman Tour' hours before the concert in Vietnam.

\'Doom VFR\', \'Skyrim VR\' and \'Fallout 4 VR\' release dates confirmed
'Doom VFR', 'Skyrim VR' and 'Fallout 4 VR' release dates confirmed

Game developer Bethesda dropped major news for virtual reality gamers. Release dates for 'Doom', 'Skyrim', and 'Fallout' VR are all confirmed to take place this year, 2017.

Video game sales news: \'Uncharted: Lost Legacy\' overtakes \'Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy\'
Video game sales news: 'Uncharted: Lost Legacy' overtakes 'Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy'

The list of video game sales in the United Kingdom has been released and it shows that the latest from developer Naughty Dog, "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy," has reached the No. 1 spot in physical sales.