
Amazon Fire HD 10 specs, price news: Basic tablet for entertainment at low price
A report on the latest tablet by Amazon, the Fire HD 10.

'Overwatch' news: Players find Junkenstein's Revenge Endless Mode enjoyable
The new endless mode for the Junkenstein's Revenege custom game has players enjoying Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017.

'Star Wars Battlefront 2' news, updates: EA downplays 'pay-to-win' loot issue
Electronic Arts (EA) recently posted their official statement regarding the "pay to loot" issue from the last week's "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" open beta. A lot of players who tried the latest features of the upcoming sequel questioned the existence of loot crates, which are seen by many to introduce imbalance in the game.

'Grand Theft Auto Online' updates: Fighter jet included
A report on the many additional content that graced Grand Theft Auto Online.

'The Sims 4' news: Cats and Dogs gameplay trailer released
The gameplay trailer for The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs has been released and player are taking a peek of the new game features.

'Dragon Ball Super' episode 111, 112 spoilers: Hit ousted from Tournament of Power as Jiren is triumphant
The "Dragon Ball Super" episodes 111 and 112 will feature the fight between two of the most powerful and skilled warriors in all 12 universes, Hit and Jiren. As per the latest rumors, the Universe 6 assassin will not be successful in putting down Jiren.

Humble Bundle deals and discounts: Includes RPG titles and female protagonist games
A report on the different video games offered from the Humble Bundle.

'Final Fantasy 7' remake release date news: Hajime Tabata gives Square Enix's upcoming title a miss
At the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2017, the fans asked "Final Fantasy XV" game director Hajime Tabata if he would accept doing the modern take on the PlayStation 1 classic. In a nutshell, Tabata replied with a "no."

'Destiny 2' Xur's location news: Exotic equipment inventory and prices
A report on the rare merchant Xur from the video game Destiny 2.

'Goodbye Christopher Robin' news: Margot Robbie surprised to learn backstory of film
Margot Robbie is surprised to learn that there was such deep importance to the people of the time that involved the story of Winnie the Pook

'Injustice 2' news: Ed Boon teases game for Nintendo Switch
A report on an interview conducted by Gamespot with Ed Boon about porting Injustice 2 for the Nintendo Switch.

'Digimon Links' news: Players like simplicity of game
Digimon Links has been released for iOS and Android, and players don't mind how simple it is to play the game.

Bruno Mars news: Singer garners eight nominations for American Music Awards
A report on musician Bruno Mars getting nominated for 8 different awards for the upcoming AMAs.

LS25 wired gaming headset from LucidSound now available on Amazon
Amazon has listed the prized gaming headset which was only available during E3 2017 in their stocks

Black Friday 2017 TV deals, sales: Price predictions for 4K and HD TVs
Among the top priorities of the buyers lining up in front of the mall's door is to get the best television set with a very affordable price. As of now, there are already predictions on the hottest 4K and HDTV to hit Black Friday that people can have for just below $280.

Christina Applegate goes through surgery to prevent cancer
A report on the recent surgery Applegate has undergone to prevent future complications.