Most think CofE could do better on women
New research suggests most people want the Church of England to change its approach to women.Â

Prayers as cardinals gather to elect next pope
The conclave to elect the successor to Benedict XVI gets underway in Rome today.
CofE must be 'distinctive'
The former Bishop of Rochester has spoken of his desire to see the Church of England be more distinctive in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
Church: perfect in all its imperfections
The Bishop of Bath & Wells has reflected on divisions affecting the Church of England in his final presidential address to Diocesan Synod.
Praise for church winter shelter volunteers
An army of volunteers has won praise for making it possible to open church winter shelters for the homeless in Ipswich.
Walk to church for Climate Week
Parishioners in Pontefract are ditching their cars and walking to church this weekend.

Cardinal Keith O'Brien apologises for sexual misconduct
The former head of the Catholic Church in Scotland has admitted his sexual conduct had at times "fallen below the standards expected of me".
Welsh chapels raise £200,000 for Christian Aid
The Presbyterian Church of Wales' 650 chapels spent last year fundraising for Christian Aid's work in Guatemala
Bishop of Chichester to lead pilgrimage to the Middle East
The Bishop of Chichester will be leading a pilgrimage to the Middle East in November 2014
Anglicans and Methodists discuss joint mission work
The Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission has spent the week in Jamaica discussing areas of collaboration.
Church does not need to fear conflict â Archbishop
The Archbishop of Canterbury has encouraged Christians to be reconcilers and not avoid those who are different from them
Benedict eases into peaceful retirement
The former Pope Benedict XVI has spent the first days of his retirement reading, praying and listening to music.
Bishop: Church must speak in language people can understand
The Bishop of Bradford says Christians should adapt their message to fit the medium