
Anglicans and Methodists: 10 years of journeying together
Anglicans and Methodists: 10 years of journeying together

It is 10 years this November since the Methodist Church and the Church of England signed a historic covenant formally committing them to exploring greater unity.

New Queen\'s chaplain appointed
New Queen's chaplain appointed

The Reverend John Chalmers has been appointed as a new chaplain to the Queen in Scotland.

UK Coptic leader calls for reconciliation in Egypt
UK Coptic leader calls for reconciliation in Egypt

A General Bishop in the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK has called upon Egyptians to work together in rebuilding their nation following the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi.

Church of England approves new Diocese of Leeds

A new Diocese of Leeds has been approved by the Church of England's parliamentary body to replace the current Dioceses of Bradford, Ripon and Leeds, and Wakefield.

Prayers for Syria

The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, Archbishop Vincent Nichols has called for prayers in support of all those affected by the conflict in Syria.

Methodist Church appoints working group on marriage

A working group is to be appointed to consider the Methodist Church's position on marriage.

Church of England makes fresh start on women bishops
Church of England makes fresh start on women bishops

Archbishop of Canterbury says vote in General Synod has put some momentum back into the process towards allowing women bishops.

Whatever we are going through, we can see the glory of God
Whatever we are going through, we can see the glory of God

The new Methodist President used her debut speech to talk about the God who continually reaches out to people wherever they are.  

Church condemns 'scrounger' rhetoric against poor

The Government should pay close attention to the impact of welfare cuts on the most vulnerable, the Church of England's parliamentary body said today.

Child abuse apology from Church of England
Child abuse apology from Church of England

The Church of England's parliamentary body has apologised to victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Anglican clergy, noting its failure to prevent it and respond effectively.

Church of England faces up to child abuse failures
Church of England faces up to child abuse failures

The Church of England's parliamentary body will today be debating a report on safeguarding that includes an apology from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for the Church of England's failure to protect children from physical and sexual abuse.

Church of England \'has 20 years to reassert its position as national Church\'
Church of England 'has 20 years to reassert its position as national Church'

The Church of England's parliamentary body heard the urgent call to make disciples

Church of England returns to women bishops debate
Church of England returns to women bishops debate

The Church of England's parliamentary body is revisiting the thorny issue of allowing women into the episcopate.

Church of England criticised over gay marriage stance

The chairman of GAFCON Primates' Council has criticised the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Anglican Church of Canada for promoting a false gospel.  

Archbishop of Canterbury calls for restoration of trust over women bishops debate
Archbishop of Canterbury calls for restoration of trust over women bishops debate

The Archbishop of Canterbury told the Church of England's parliamentary body today that there are "no magic bullets" in resolving divisions over women bishops.

National 'Poverty Pilgrimage' gets underway

A pilgrimage to highlight the plight of people living in poverty gets underway from York on Sunday.