
A guide to ethical living from Church of Scotland Youth
A group from the Church of Scotland Youth (COSY) has put together a guide to living more ethically in today's throwaway culture.

Archbishop appoints Sir Hector Sants to chair financial task group
The former Chief Executive of the Financial Services Authority and Head of Compliance and regulatory affairs for Barclays Bank, Sir Hector Sants, will chair the Church of England's new task group on credit unions.

Fresh expressions bucking church decline
Archbishop of Canterbury sees "every reason to be hopeful about the future of the Church of England"

Help! I'm now a pastor's wife!
My husband's calling as a pastor impacts everything we do and the way that we live

Archbishop of Canterbury meets Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
The Archbishop of Canterbury met His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Monday during a two-day visit to Istanbul.

Church in Wales to hold public meetings on code for women bishops
Bishops hold Wales-wide meetings on 'code' for women bishops

Abortion is 'horrific', says Pope
The Pope spoke strongly against abortion in an address to global ambassadors on Monday.

Church of England's Twitter campaign a success
Some 7,500 tweets were sent using the hashtag #christmasmeans

Pope baptises unmarried couple's baby in Sistine Chapel
Pope Francis yesterday baptised the child of an unmarried couple as part of a ceremony in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Vincent Nichols to become Cardinal
The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, is to be made a Cardinal by Pope Francis.

Girls to sing in Canterbury Cathedral for first time
The addition of 16 girls will mark the end of the male-only choir at Canterbury Cathedral when they perform during Evensong on January 25.

Wells Cathedral defends decision to screen 'The Last Temptation of Christ'
The decision by Wells Cathedral to host a screening of Martin Scorsese's 1988 film "The Last Temptation of Christ" has stirred controversy.

Help for parents struggling with cost of First Communion clothes
Some parents are going into debt to make sure their children have the right clothes for their First Communion

Catholic Church training more exorcists
Dioceses in Italy, Spain, and Mexico are reporting a growing number of cases of someone being possessed by the devil or some other demonic influence.

Life as a minister's wife
A former BBC radio producer is to feature in a documentary that explores the role of ministers' wives in Scotland.

Grace Church Highlands: A growing church in Enfield
Grace Church Highlands has grown from around 50 members to 120 in the seven years since it was founded.