
First woman bishop Libby Lane: 'Pray for me as I share in the work of proclaiming the gospel'
York was teeming with robes today, as clergy from all over the world gathered to celebrate the consecration of Libby Lane - the Church of England's first ever female bishop.

Profile: Who is Libby Lane?
Anticipation is growing for the consecration of the Church of England's first woman bishop today. So here's what we know about Rev, soon to be Bishop, Libby Lane.

The road to women bishops: how we got there
Ruth Gledhill reflects on the long and sometimes tortured path to women bishops.

Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons are 'childish' compared to its attacks on Christianity, says Russian Patriarch
Patriarch Kirill has condemned the "inexplicable drive" to deride religious feelings.

'Rt Rev Libby Lane': Church of England's first female bishop will be consecrated today
The service at York Minster marks the culmination of years of campaigning.

China's oldest priest dies at 105
Father Ye Yaomin of Guangzhou, China's oldest priest, was 105 when he passed away Tuesday.

Pope tells new cardinals to be humble and shun parties
Pope Francis has told the men he will make cardinals next month to be humble and shun lavish parties in their honour.

Heavenly bodies: how US churches have made fitness a spiritual issue
A health website has identified the fittest churches in Texas.

The female 'taint'? Why some bishops won't be laying hands on Philip North
A row over women bishops is overshadowing the new Bishop of Burnley's consecration February 2.

Church of England seeks 'online pastor' to boost digital engagement
A diocese in the Church of England has become the first to reach out for an "online pastor" to engage with young people in particular across digital media.

Linda Woodhead: Plans for CofE shake up are wrongly focused
The proposed remedies for the numerical decline of the Church of England are "too clerical and too congregational" according to a leading academic.

John Sentamu: Hand-laying for traditionalist bishop is for 'prayer not politics'
The controversial arrangements surrounding the consecration of a traditionalist bishop are for "prayer not politics", the Archbishop of York said in a statement.

US Evangelicals and Catholics join forces to warn of 'grave threat' of gay marriage
Senior Roman Catholics and evangelicals in the US have joined forces to warn of a grave "threat" to society caused by same-sesx marriage.

New bill to make carrying a gun illegal in Alabama churches without permission
Two Democratic members of the Alabama of Representatives are gearing for an uphill battle to pass a bill banning guns in churches

Tim Keller to help Los Angeles church leaders answer the question: 'What does it mean to love our city?'
Tim Keller is scheduled to speak in a three-day conference in LA to unify churches on how to reach the city.

Malaysia: Catholic newspaper not allowed to use 'Allah' to refer to God
Malaysia's top court has ruled that a Catholic newspaper cannot use the word "Allah" to refer to God.