Is our Gospel robbing people of God?
We can't ignore the doctrine of adoption, says Krish Kandiah.

Pope Francis' Mexico remark not meant to offend, Vatican says
A remark by Pope Francis to the effect that he hoped his homeland Argentina could avoid "Mexicanization" was not intended to offend Mexicans or to undervalue the government's efforts to fight drug trafficking, the Vatican said.

Lent is time of battle against evil, Pope reminds faithful
Pope urges faithful to read the Gospel in effort to battle evils in daily life

Presbyterian Church may soon allow gay marriage through constitutional change
Presbyterian Church may soon allow gay marriage through constitutional change

A.D. The Bible album features music by Paul Baloche, Darlene Zschech and Kim Walker-Smith
A.D. The Bible album features music by Paul Baloche, Darlene Zschech and Kim Walker-Smith

Pilgrim course addresses need to make new disciples - Archbishop
The Church of England is addressing the "urgent need" to make new disciples by introducing the Pilgrim course, which seeks to help local churches create an avenue where the faithful can explore their Christian faith together and apply the Lord's message in their daily life.

Christians seek prayers of support for Franklin Graham
Different religious groups in the United States are urging Christians to pray for Reverend Franklin Graham as he publicly engages with sensitive issues such as Islam and homosexuality.

Rick Warren preaches why God created mankind
Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California just shared what he considers as the most important message he will ever give, and it concerns God and why He created mankind.

American missionary Rev Phyllis Sortor kidnapped in Nigeria
An American woman working as a Christian missionary in Nigeria was kidnapped overnight, the website of the Free Methodist Church and a security source said on Tuesday.

Vincent Nichols: Catholic Church 'doesn't pay anyone less than living wage'
The leaders of the 4.2 million Catholics in England and Wales has insisted that the Catholic Church does not itself employ anyone earning less than the living wage.

Pope Francis and aides to address 'defects' on spiritual retreat
Pope Francis announced Sunday that he and his top aides will take a spiritual retreat to correct "the many defects we all have.

Afghanistan: Indian Catholic priest freed after eight months' captivity
Fr Alexis Prem Kumar says that India's prime minister Narendra Modi saved his life.

Justin Welby 'embarrassed' about C of E living wage revelation, but reaffirms Church commitment
The Archbishop of Canterbury says the Church is moving towards paying a living wage to all employees.

Mafia need to repent and open their hearts to God, says Pope Francis
The Catholic Church will welcome them if the stop serving evil, said the Pope yesterday.

Justin Welby slams 'false distinction' between saving souls and doing politics
"It is impossible to love Jesus Christ and not to care about the welfare of people," he said today.

God loves you and God is willing to forgive you, Franklin Graham tells ISIS
Rev Franklin Graham, son of popular evangelist Billy Graham, has told Islamic State militants that God loves them and is willing to forgive them.