
2 refugee families have already arrived at the Vatican, will stay 'until the Lord wants', says Pope Francis
Pope Francis has called on Europe to return to being "mother Europe" and take in refugees and migrants to ease its low birth rate. He hinted at criticism of people who choose to remain child free. And he revealed that two refugee families have been found and housed in the Vatican itself, as he pledged they would be.

Secret Service 'disrupts' threat ahead of Pope visit to US
Security services have intervened to prevent a threat in advance of the Pope's visit to the United States, it has been disclosed.

Polish Catholics say 'No' to Pope Francis' plea: 'Today refugees, tomorrow terrorists'
Catholic head Pope Francis might have called on people from all over the world to open their hearts and homes to Middle East refugees who are desperately in need of food, clothing, and shelter in Europe, but it looks like Polish Catholics are not warming up to the pope's request.

Catholic village tells Protestant man to convert or go to prison
A Mexican protestant and his family have been persecuted for not converting to Catholicism.

Six ways a congregation can kill a ministry
Ministers are sometimes their own worst enemies. But what about the churches that are toxic?

Saudi Arabia bans National Geographic with Pope Francis on front cover
Saudi Arabia has banned National Geographic over its cover story featuring the Pope for "cultural reasons."

Outrage at bids to sell free New York Pope tickets
Catholic leaders and New York City condemns sellers attempting to profit from Pope visit by selling free Central Park motorcade tickets online

South African teacher murdered for denying witchcraft will be made a Saint
A South African martyred for refusing to partake in witchraft has been beatified and is on the journey to sainthood.

UK school teacher forces children to write to jihadis calling them 'heroes'
A school teacher has had her pupils send letters of support to Al Qaeda affiliated fighters in Syria.

Release of 3522 Cuban prisoners a 'source of joy and spiritual relief' - bishops
The release of over 3500 prisoners by the Cuban government is a "source of joy and spiritual relief," Catholic bishops in Cuba have said.

Turkey continues push to reopen iconic Hagia Sophia church as a mosque
Istanbul's former cathedral has increasingly become a focus of Turkish Islamist nationalism.

Kidnapped Nigerian bishop has been freed unharmed
Rt Rev Moses Bukpe-Tabwaye was abducted from his car on September 3 in Southern Nigeria.

Christians and other faith leaders condemn plans for extremism register
The Home Office is to make ministers and clergy across the religions join a national register of faith leaders.

Cuba detains Catholic dissidents ahead of Pope Francis visit
Such detentions have become common following regular marches by the Ladies in White.

Non-stop prayer movement involving thousands of Christians and hundreds of churches takes atheist China by storm
China is witnessing the extraordinary growth of an expression of faith: a prayer movement involving thousands of Christians who take their turns in praying 24 hours a day non-stop for seven days a week.

Leaked emails reveal new child sex abuse controversy
The Catholic Church has been drawn into a new scandal after senior clerics conspired to block a survivor from joining the Pope's sex abuse advisory board.