
Texas executes man who killed Christian missionary for $8
Juan Garcia, 35, shot Hugo Solana in 1998 during a botched robbery in Houston.

World will end 'with fire' on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, Christian group predicts
The Earth may have survived the dreaded "blood moon" apocalypse predicted last month, but for a Christian group, the end of the world is just about to happen this month.

Christians at work: How conflicts between law and religion might be solved
A report for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has suggested that employees might benefit from the principle of "reasonable accommodation" for their beliefs.

Armenian tycoons donate millions to church-building programme
Super-rich Armenians have chosen to invest their millions in building churches, but some are questioning the sincerity of the donations.

Vatican accused of sending gay priests to be 'cured'
The Vatican has been sending gay priests to a monastery to "cure" them of homosexuality, a former clergyman has alleged.

Why the evangelical message doesn't always play well in Israel
While Sukkoth is popular with many Israel-supporting evangelicals, many Jews regarding their support for it as disguised missionary activity.

Gospel for Asia: 'Regret' at termination by financial watchdog, but no explanation yet
GFA expressed "regret and sadness" at the decision and pledged to improve its reporting of financial matters.

Huckabee hits out at gay-friendly Doritos
Huckabee's objection to food giant Frito-Lay is targeted at its choice of partner rather than at its colourful Doritos.

New 'dyslexia-friendly' Bible makes scripture accessible for all
One in 10 people in Briton have dyslexia, which can affect both reading and writing.

Conservatives throw first punch in fight with liberals in Rome
Conservative bishops have taken the lead at the Pope's Synod on the Family in Rome, drawing a firm line against any attempts to soften rules that exclude divorced and remarried Catholics from communion and ban all artificial contraception.

'God's dream for creation' is union of man and woman, Pope Francis says in Synod
Pope Francis emphasised that the union between a man and a woman is "God's dream for his beloved creation," the foundation of God's design for the family.

'I am a happy and proud gay priest': Cleric rocks Vatican with disclosure, gets fired
A gay monsignor rocked the Vatican on Saturday, the eve of a major meeting of the world's Catholic bishops, when newspaper articles came out in Italy and Poland announcing his declaration of his homosexuality.

Three Indian evangelists arrested for trying to show Jesus film
Complaints by members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, a right-wing nationalist organisation, led to their arrest under anti-conversion laws.

Why an obscure Eritrean priest might beat Pope Francis and Angela Merkel to the Nobel Peace Prize
Father Mussie Zerai has been nominated for helping to save the lives of thousands of migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

Pope tells Synod: 'Church should not be a museum of memories'
The three-week Synod on the Family will discuss ways to defend the traditional family.

Violent attacks against Christians in Bangui leave hundreds dead
Sectarian violence against Christians has broken out in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), claiming between 100-200 lives, before the election on 18 October according to CSW.