
Man claims he was 'sexual slave' for depraved people protected by Church
The distressing testimony of Paulino, a former member of a Barcelona Catholic religious group, The Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle and of Mary (MCSPA), has been published this week by the Spanish newspaper El PaÃs.

Vatican department may have been used for money laundering
Information in a confidential document has been passed on to Italian and Swiss investigators.

2 Vatican employees arrested, charged with leaking 'confidential documents'
Two employees of the Vatican - a Spanish priest and an Italian laywoman have just been arrested after they were charged of leaking confidential documents.

Sex abuse claims have cost the US Catholic Church almost $4 billion
Sex abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church in the US have cost the institution almost $4 billion over six decades, the National Catholic Register has found.

Women juggling work and family life 'must be protected' says Pope
Mothers who choose to work should have their maternity leave protected and be given opportunities to flourish both at home and in the workplace, the Pope has said.

Religion helps protect teens against alcoholism and addiction
Religious practice helps reduce adolescent alcohol use and other "risk behaviours" says a paper in a special "religion and addiction" edition of the academic Religions journal.

Reading the Bible will help stop war crimes, says Serbian officer
More than 4,000 New Testaments are being given to the Serbian army, according to a senior military figure there.

First black leader of US Episcopal Church urges Christians to bridge racial gaps
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has just been installed on Sunday as the first black leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church, and he is already encouraging Episcopalians to bridge the gap among different races, between the educated and uneducated, as well as among the rich and poor.

Cuba: Wave of church demolitions halted by sit-in
A spontaneous sit-in at a church in Cuba scheduled for demolition has forced authorities to halt the bulldozers.

Gender roles: Is complementarianism on the wane in the US?
The so-called 'complementarian' movement in gender relations may have received a knock-back.

Lost in translation: Six phrases that mean very different things in UK and US churches
Two countries divided by a common language. That's how Britain and the United States are often described, with their differing interpretations of potato chips, garbage, football and pants.

Could a church have found Shakespeare's skull? One vicar's foiled attempt to solve the mystery
A vicar's attempt to solve the mystery surrounding William Shakespeare's skull has been blocked by a senior church lawyer, The Telegraph reports.

Christian gallery forced to close for refusing to host same-sex marriage reopens as church
A Christian couple whose gallery was shut down after they refused to host a same-sex wedding, have now sold it to a church.

Vatican arrests after documents leaked to media in 'serious betrayal of Pope's trust'
The Vatican's police force has arrested a priest and a laywoman who were members of a commission that Pope Francis set up to study Church reform on suspicion of leaking confidential documents to the media.

Church marriages for same-sex couples imminent in Norway
Norway's twelve bishops unanimously voted to allow gay couples to marry in church, voting for the creation of a special liturgy for the marriage of same sex couples on Friday.

Billy Graham: It is a sin to continually criticise your pastor
It is a sin to continually criticise your pastor, well-known evangelist Billy Graham said.