
Christian college head: No, we won\'t issue \'trigger warnings\' before altar calls
Christian college head: No, we won't issue 'trigger warnings' before altar calls

A student at Oklahoma Wesleyan University last week complained because he felt "victimized" by a sermon on love.

Paedophile priests collaborated to hide abuse revealed in confessional
Paedophile priests collaborated to hide abuse revealed in confessional

A paedophile priest "had no hesitation" in warning a fellow paedophile priest of an altar boy's abuse complaint even though it meant breaking the seal of confession in the process, the Guardian reports.

Pope Francis in Africa, agent of change
Pope Francis in Africa, agent of change

The Pope in Africa has given passionate witness of the kind exemplified in the original Prayer of St Francis. He has pushed his radical agenda once again on peace, love, faith and hope. If the climate change talks in Paris this week are a success, he will deserve a share of the credit.

Pope to end Africa trip with mosque visit in besieged Central African Republic enclave
Pope to end Africa trip with mosque visit in besieged Central African Republic enclave

The pope was protected by the heaviest security ever seen on his trips.

Christians and Muslims welcome Pope Francis to Central African Republic
Christians and Muslims welcome Pope Francis to Central African Republic

Pope Francis began the final leg of his first African trip in Central African Republic where he will deliver a message of reconciliation and peace to a nation wracked by several years of violence between Muslims and Christians.

Advent: 10 things you didn't know about the pre-Christmas season
Advent: 10 things you didn't know about the pre-Christmas season

The Church season of Advent, which leads up to Christmas, isn't about consuming things at all – not even the chocolate in Advent calendars.

Pope Francis visits Ugandan shrine amid gay rights debate
Pope Francis visits Ugandan shrine amid gay rights debate

On the second leg of his first African tour, Francis said Mass for tens of thousands of people huddled on muddy hillsides.

East London church holds vigil to honour victims of gender-based violence
East London church holds vigil to honour victims of gender-based violence

A church in East London has committed to portraying the true history of women in the area .with an exhibition, after a museum that promised to be "the only dedicated resource in the East End to women's history" has in fact sensationalised and glamourized the killings of the famed Jack the Ripper.

Norwegian Christian couple accused of \'indoctrinating\' children have them removed
Norwegian Christian couple accused of 'indoctrinating' children have them removed

An extraordinary row has erupted over the removal by Norway's child welfare services of the five children of a Pentecostal Christian couple.

German church converted to house 50 refugees wins round local community
German church converted to house 50 refugees wins round local community

A church in Germany has won round its local community after causing uproar when it suspended its Sunday services in order to house fifty refugees.

Religious education is outdated and needs overhaul, says study
Religious education is outdated and needs overhaul, says study

The RE For REal study says that RE is currently a "20th century settlement for a 21st century reality".

New CofE bishop Karen Gorham supports Christian naturism
New CofE bishop Karen Gorham supports Christian naturism

There are no biblical grounds for banning naturism, says the new Bishop of Sherborne.

Public sex abuse inquiry to focus first on Anglican and Catholic churches
Public sex abuse inquiry to focus first on Anglican and Catholic churches

Justice Lowell Goddard said the five-year inquiry is the most wide-ranging ever of its kind in England and Wales and will consist of 12 separate investigations that will also look into public institutions and people of "public prominence".

Church installs ice rink to celebrate Christmas
Church installs ice rink to celebrate Christmas

Father Stuart Craddock of the 14th century St Wulfram's church, Grantham put an ice rink in the nave as part of the church's first Christmas tree festival and promptly fell over when demonstrating for the BBC.

#LoveCameDown: Church parody of John Lewis shows \'real meaning of Christmas\'
#LoveCameDown: Church parody of John Lewis shows 'real meaning of Christmas'

St Thomas's Church in Norwich have made a Christmas advert spinning off John Lewis' £13 million promotion.

Pakistan: Christian TV station destroyed in suspected arson attack
Pakistan: Christian TV station destroyed in suspected arson attack

The offices of Gawahi TV in Lahore were targeted and studios, computers, Bibles, cable network equipment and furniture were destroyed.