
Pope Francis is drawing Churches closer together out of 'genuine love' - senior Anglican
Archbishop David Moxon spoke of the pope's "natural extroversion and genuine love for other churches".

Ancient New Testament manuscripts discovered in Greek library
Ancient New Testament manuscripts unknown to scholars have been found at the National Library of Greece.

Mexican community expels 10 Baptist families for refusing to recant faith
Ten Baptist families have been expelled by an indigenous community in Mexico for refusing to recant their Christian faith.

Baby boy abandoned in Nativity scene has emotional reunion with birth family
A baby boy who was laid in a manger and left in a church navitity crib 44 years ago has enjoyed an "amazing" reunion with his natural siblings.

Planned cross-border Eucharist highlights plight of immigrants
American and Mexican Christians have planned a Eucharist service straddling the America-Mexican border to draw attention to the plight of immigrants.

Pakistan: Freedom for Christian children who labour in Punjab brick kilns
A move to end the use of children in brick kilns in Pakistan's second largest province has met with fierce resistance from employers â but Christian campaigners have welcomed the government's resolve.

Sierra Leone: Ebola's back, and faith leaders are on the front line
A fortnight ago, West Africa breathed a collective sigh of relief as the World Health Organisation declared that Liberia was officially Ebola-free, having gone 42 days without a new case. Now the disease is back.

Think Green: New Eco Church launched with Rowan Williams' backing
Rowan Williams has backed a new scheme to reward churches for being environmentally friendly.

Bernie Sanders says he is 'not actively involved in organised religion'
Days before the Iowa caucus, Bernie Sanders has opened up about his faith, saying although he believes in God, he was "not actively involved with organised religion".

'Evolution is not a fact,' says Church of England head teacher
A primary school website has been taken down and its head teacher's account removed from Twitter after she was deluged with angry complaints for tweeting: "Evolution is not a fact."

Nigeria: Two pastors kidnapped and held for ransom
Two pastors have been abducted this month in Kogi state, Nigeria, Morning Star News reports.

Christian homeless charities among more than 20 in campaign to help people off the streets
Housing Justice and the West London Mission are among more than 20 charities who have called for Boris Johnson's successor after elections in May to do more to help rough sleepers.

Iowa: Catholics and evangelicals unite to put payday loans on agenda
Evangelicals and Catholics have united in an effort to put payday lending on the agenda ahead of the Iowa caucus, according to the Catholic News Service.

Texas Presbyterian pastor draws rebuke for claiming that Jesus did not really rise from the dead
A pastor from Texas has drawn rebuke for making an outrageous claim on social media that Jesus Christ did not actually rise from the dead.

Archbishop of Canterbury: Trump would be 'very challenging' as US President
The Archbishop of Canterbury expressed his reservations about US Presidential candidate Donald Trump this morning in an interview for ITV's Good Morning Britain.

Chief Rabbi of Moscow: We are in a religious war with radical Islam
Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt today insisted that "the 21st century has seen a return to the religious wars of the Middle Ages."