
US churches defy federal law and offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants
Churches across America are offering sanctuary to illegal immigrants facing deportation, in the wake of recent federal immigration raids.

New York governor moves against gay 'conversion' therapy
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo restricts the controversial practice of "conversion therapy" which operates on the premise that gay people can be "treated" to make them straight.

Indigenous people of Mexico demand apology from Pope on eve of visit
Pope Francis will officially authorise the use of indigenous languages in Catholic liturgies when he visits Mexico later this week. It is expected to be one of several such gestures he will make.

Church destroyed and 200 hundred members detained in Cuba
Cuban authorities demolished a large church on 5 February while hundreds of church members were detained, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

'Ashes to go': Commuters offered drive-thru prayer to begin Lent
Drive-thru prayer will be offered to commuters in New Jersey tomorrow as Rev Rich Wisniewski marks Ash Wednesday by providing an "Ashes to go" service.

Nazareth to host World Day of the Sick 2016
The town of Nazareth, where the Bible says Jesus spent his childhood, will host the Roman Catholic World Day of the Sick on Thursday.

Justin Welby: We must go to the cross for reconciliation
We must follow Jesus and be willing to give our lives for the sake of reconciliation, Archbishop Justin Welby told an audience at Queen's University Belfast yesterday.

US bishops launch 'crucial conversations' between Catholics and Muslims to counter Islamophobia
A new initiative encouraging Catholic-Muslim dialogue has been launched to counter a "fraught" national climate in the US.

Evangelical pastor tells Christian leaders in Syria: Protect your churches, don't abandon your flock
An Armenian evangelical pastor believes that despite the dangerous situation faced by many Christians in Syria, Christian leaders must remain and protect their churches and provide relief to all those struggling with the side effects of war.

Episcopal Primate says decision to censure Church over same-sex marriage was 'fair'
The decision to censure The Episcopal Church of the US for consecrating gay bishops and allowing clergy to perform same-sex marriages was "fair", according to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

When does Lent start in 2016? How Christians observe this 40-day period
Many of us will know that Lent is upon us, but we might be a bit hazy on the details. Here's everything you need to know.

'Jesus changed me': Pastor conquers drug addiction, homosexuality to preach God's Word to others
In an interview on CBN's "700 Club Interactive," Kegan shared how he conquered a traumatic experience when he was very young that made him a gay drug addict, to become a preacher of God's Words.

Pastor facing sex crime allegations states his innocence
Toronto pastor Brent Hawkes who is facing allegations of sex crimes from four decades ago has addressed his congregation for the first time.

Questions asked over Mexican president's marriage to soap star
On the eve of the visit this week by Pope Francis, the Catholic church in Mexico has been accused of bending the rules on marriage for Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto and his wife, soap star Angélica Rivera.

Pope appeals again for greater effort to bring peace in Syria
The Pope has made another urgent appeal for peace in Syria, calling on the international community to spare no effort to bring all the parties in conflict to the negotiating table.

Divisions emerge over Mark Driscoll's new church
The saga of Mars Hill and its aftermath is continuing to generate division in the evangelical Christian community as sharp differences emerged in response to Mark Driscoll's decision to plant a new church.