
Leading conservative Anglican says Church of England must split to stop 'contagious' gay marriage
A prominent conservative Anglican group has issued an unprecedented call for the Church of England to split over the issue of gay marriage.
Pastor found dead in car with self-inflicted gunshot wound after weeklong vacation; no suicide note
Why? That's the question on everyone's mind at the Valley Presbyterian Church in Green Valley, Arizona following the mysterious death, allegedly by a self-inflicted" gunshot wound, of pastor and former Navy chaplain Lawrence "Larry" DeLong, the Christian Post reports.

U.S. church offers recovery programme for racists
A church in North Carolina is offering a program inspired by Alcoholics Anonymos (AA) for racism.

Close friend of Mother Teresa claims the famous nun experienced visions of Jesus
Father Sebastian Vazhakala, Mother Teresa's friend for 30 years, says he has documents handwritten by the soon-to-be-saint that revealed how Jesus Christ spoke to her directly from September 1946 to December 1947.

Jesus saves life of atheist taxi driver in road mishap after his Christian wife prayed for him
Jesus Christ can show His grace and mercy even to an atheist who is an alcoholic and a wife-beater.

Breakaway move by CofE churches over homosexuality welcomed by Gafcon
The Global Anglican Future Conference, Gafcon has welcomed the initiative by nearly a dozen churches in the Church of England to align with the conservative coalition in opposition to gay marriage.

Atheist legal challenge could devastate National Baptist Convention gathering
The largest African-American denomination in the US is facing a funding crisis on the eve of its annual gathering next week because of a lawsuit filed by an atheist group.

Pope Francis holds private meeting with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
Pope Francis met with Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday as the Holy Father continued courting the global tech-giants.

Dementia author wins Michael Ramsey prize for theological writing
A book on dementia has won the esteemed Michael Ramsey prize for theological writing, it was announced today by Archbishop Justin Welby at the Greenbelt Christian festival.

Mars Hill racketeering case against Mark Driscoll and former elder dismissed
Former Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll, and his former executive elder Sutton Turner, have had a civil racketeering case against them dismissed.

Mainstream media sees revival breaking out in America as more people feel need to have God in their lives
It is the height of irony: Revival is now taking place all over the United States at a time when Christianity is reportedly on the decline.

Pope Benedict XVI reveals his favourite saints
Pope Francis' predecessor recently granted a rare interview with the Italian newspaper La Reppublica, where he talked about his term as the Roman Catholic Church leader, his life after his resignation, and even his personal favourite saints.

Justin Welby: 'I am constantly consumed with horror' at the way the Church has treated gay people
Justin Welby has opened up about how his own failings make him angry and said that he spends "a lot of time feeling a fraud" in a personal and at times emotional interview at the Greenbelt Christian festival in Northamptonshire.

What are the 4 types of churches that are doomed to fail?
Nobody likes to see churches fail, but Dr. Thom Rainer, president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, says there are four types of churches that are really doomed to fail.

Race tops agenda at Southern Baptist conference
Racial reconciliation was top of the agenda for the third annual conference of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

Catholic sex education programme slammed by conservatives
A sex education programme produced by the Roman Catholic Church has been fiercely condemned by conservative Catholics who say it risks leading young people into immorality.