
Prostration, veneration and adoration: how Good Friday is observed in an Anglo-Catholic church

In contrast to most 'high church' or Anglo-Catholic affairs, the service on Good Friday is markedly stark and bare.

'What is truth?' Why in an age of fake news Pilate's question matters more than ever

Despite being better connected and having more news outlets within reach than ever before in human history, we seem to be losing the ability to discern lies from truth and spin from reality.

Egyptian Coptic bishop on the profound power of martyrdom: 'When you are not afraid, you are able to love'

An Egyptian Coptic bishop has spoken about the profound power of martyrdom in the 21st century, as the Coptic community continues to mourn Egypt's Palm Sunday church bombings that killed at least 45 and injured over 100.

'Good Friday just got better'. Christians condemn shocking Tesco cheap beer advert

The supermarket giant Tesco has offended Christians across Britain with a newspaper ad that completely fails to understand Good Friday.

How to boil the perfect Easter eggs without cracking them

Easter Sunday, which is regarded as the most important celebration in the Christian faith, is only a few days away. To celebrate Christ's resurrection, most of the Christian community will be preparing Easter eggs for this awaited event.

Why the story of Ruth is a parable for Lebanon today

For many years Syrian forces occupied Lebanon, but now with the war in Syria the tables have turned and a huge number of refugees have flooded into this tiny country.

'A new command I give you': How foot-washing can save the world

In Christian tradition, today recalls the story of Jesus stooping to wash the feet of his disciples. To wash another's dirty feet was a radical act of service then, and the Church has imitated it to this day. Through it, we embody Christ's humility, forgetting ourselves and showing the world what true love does.

Justin Welby asks: How do we learn to see God in the face of the stranger?

All too often, when we ask, 'Where is God?' it is because we want a God of power: a God who will come and sort the world out.

Archbishop of Canterbury: 'Have we lost our national nerve?'

A 'disconnection' in society between values and practices is undermining the future of our society, the Archbishop of Canterbury warned in the second of his Holy Week lectures at Canterbury Cathedral last night.

Pentecost Sunday 2017: When is it and what is its relevance?

Christians from around the world are observing the Pentecost Sunday on June 4 this year. While the date of this Christian event changes every year, it always happens 50 days after Easter Sunday and symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit 10 days after the risen Jesus Christ ascended to heaven.

Foot washing and philanthropy: Why is today called 'Maundy Thursday'?

Today is Maundy Thursday, the fifth day of Holy Week in the Christian Easter tradition. It recalls the occasion of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and sharing the Last Supper before his crucifixion on Good Friday. Why is it called Maundy Thursday?

Broadchurch actor in innovative Easter audio drama

Easter must be a good candidate for the story most often told. Every week, if not every day, in churches across the world the events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day are recalled.

Who is the Holy Spirit Jesus promised his disciples?

How well do you know the Holy Spirit? He is probably the least understood member of the Trinity, and the subject of many debates.

British Army chaplain appointed as principal of Spurgeon's College

A former British Army chaplain has been appointed as the new principal of one of the UK's leading Baptist seminaries, Spurgeon's College.

Serial child abuser priest Gerald Ridsdale pleads guilty to 20 more charges against 11 children

The Australian paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale, already convicted of abusing 53 children, has pleaded guilty to 20 further charges againt another 11 children.