'God does not love us without liking us': 9 quotes from Christian philosopher Dallas Willard
On this day in 1935 Dallas Willard was born in Buffalo, Missouri. He went on to become a leading American philosopher and one of the defining spiritual writers of contemporary Christianity.
Joel Osteen defends Lakewood Church over Harvey response
Under fire megachurch pastor Joel Osteen has hit back at critics who claim he initially refused to open his 16,000 capacity building to flood victims after Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor dies after battle with cancer
The former Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, has died, the Catholic Church of England and Wales announced this evening
Pope Francis opens up about his mental health: 'I felt the need to consult a psychoanalyst'
Pope Francis has revealed for the first time he sought help from a psychoanalyst before becoming pontiff. 'to clarify a few things'.
'Urgent' plea to world leaders unites Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Christians around world
An 'urgent' appeal to pray for the environment is bringing Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Christians together all around the world today.
Vatican advisor rebukes Nashville Statement evangelicals in series of tweets
A senior Vatican advisor has responded to the evangelical 'Nashville Statement' condemning LGBT relationships by tweeting a series of rebuttals affirming gay people as loved by God.
Evangelical about the environment: 3 reasons Christians should prioritise creation care
Today is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. But some are unconvinced that Christians should be bothered about the environment. What does Scripture say?
Bishops taken to court of appeal in Australian Anglican feud
A feud between Australian Anglican leaders has boiled into the open with three bishops being referred to an appeals court over a dispute surrounding the church's response to gay marriage.
Catholic bishop apologises and priest resigns after Hindu deity Ganesh is welcomed in church
A Catholic bishop in Spain has apologised after a priest hosted the parading of an image of Hindu deity Ganesh in his cathedral in Ceuta, a Spanish city in North Africa. The service saw Hindus joining Catholics as Marian hymns were sung in the direction of the revered elephant-headed icon.
Evangelicals and the Nashville Statement: What is the point?
The authors of the Nashville Statement knew outrage, hostility and counter-statements would be the result. They knew it would elicit rebukes and draw harsher boundaries. Perhaps that was their intention.
Houston floods show that churches should act first, ask questions later
If Christians throughout history had adopted the 'well, we weren't asked so we didn't do' approach, so much of the most influential Christian social action would never have happened. The Good Samaritan didn't ask permission before embarking on his action, and neither should we.
'We are all made in the image of God': Church leaders join forces to denounce Nashville Statement
Hundreds of church leaders have joined forces to denounce an evangelical manifesto that condemns same-sex marriage, promoting instead a message of inclusion in the name of the Christian faith.
Pope Francis to world leaders: 'listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor'
Pope Francis has called for world leaders to 'listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor', ahead of tomorrow's World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which will feature a joint statement with Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Bartholomew I.
Illegal undercover monks - academics uncover the secret history of English Benedictines
New research shows the popular image of Benedictine monks might not be completely correct.
US Episcopal Church head appeals for Hurricane Harvey relief effort
The Rev Michael Curry, the presiding Bishop and Primate of the US Episcopal Church has appealed for support for the relief efforts currently underway in Houston, Texas following the unprecedented destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey.