Who was Joseph of Arimathea?
All four Gospels say a man named Joseph, from Arimathea, took charge of Jesus' body after his crucifixion.
Giving up: Lent, Easter and your true self-worth
As hearts turn towards Easter, it is natural to look back at all we've 'given up' for Lent but it is more important that we look up and see what has been given up for us.
What is Maundy Thursday? What happened at the Last Supper?
The Holy Week is composed of a series of events that changed the lives of Christians forever. And today, we will look at what took place on Maundy Thursday and how significant it is for us.
Gay priest who lost discrimination appeal says Church of England needs 'revolution'
A gay priest who was defrocked for marrying another man has now claimed that there is a "need for revolution" in the Church of England after his discrimination claim was dismissed by the U.K.'s Court of Appeal.
Pope hits out at Italian mafia: 'Fake Christians' who 'carry death in their souls'
Pope Francis hit out at the Italian mafia yesterday, calling them 'fake Christians' who 'carry death in their souls'.
Christians in Turkey unite for 'miracle' ecumenical book publication
Christians in Turkey have united for a landmark development in ecumenical unity with the English publication of a book of doctrine endorsed by all the country's major denominations.
3 bedtime prayers to say with my children at night
Let nighttime prayer be a habit your child/children develop so they can continue doing so when they grow old. Here are three beautiful bedtime prayers to say with your child.
More than half of American churchgoers have not heard of 'the Great Commission'
More than half of American churchgoers have not heard of 'the Great Commission' in which Jesus called on his followers to 'go and make disciples of all nations', famously in Matthew 28:18-20, according to a study by Barna.
Out of the ashes: Sutherland Springs church to be rebuilt after shooting tragedy
The Texas church where 26 people were gunned down during a service of worship last November is to be rebuilt starting in May.
How to teach my children about the cross, crucifixion, resurrection & Easter
For Christians, the death of Jesus on the cross was a monumental event. From His crucifixion to his resurrection, every detail is important to understand. However, when it comes to teaching children about these events, it cab be nerve-racking.
Southern Baptist leader Frank Page resigns, admits moral failure
A senior Southern Baptist pastor and denominational leader has resigned from his position and admitted a 'morally inappropriate relationship'.
Atheist Richard Dawkins warns of 'something worse' if Christianity continues to decline in Europe
Even the famed atheist Richard Dawkins is concerned about the demise of the "relatively benign" Christian faith in increasingly secular Europe
How to invite unbelievers to church? 3 things to consider
As Christians, we are called to disciple to others. We have the duty to bring people closer to God, which means you also have to do your best in inviting non-believers to church.
Pope sacks 9 Ukranian monks for taking part in unapproved exorcisms
Nine Ukranian monks were reportedly removed from the monastic discipline last month for engaging in unapproved exorcisms and following the orders of a self-proclaimed "prophetess."
Do Christians really have to be nice to everyone?
Being nice to everyone every second of the day sounds impossible. There's that belief that we must always be nice to everyone we see and meet. That's too much pressure, right? Let's discuss this in more detail today.