Steve Morris
'I'm just happy that she survived': The sermon the cab driver preached to the vicar
Sometimes speaking to someone you don't know is hugely helpful especially if, perhaps, that person is wearing a dog collar on the way to a radio studio.
The ministry of tea and biscuits: It's more important than you think
Just recently one of my parishioners, Paul, was speaking to me. 'What we love about you being here is you always have time to sit and talk and have a cup of tea with us.'
The joys of leading an unglamorous church
Whenever a church in a funky or wealth location advertises for a new vicar they are inundated with applications from those who just happen to be called to be a vicar there.
Punishing perfectionism: Why we should make more mistakes, not fewer
Dear Lord, please help us to make more mistakes.
In this ancient ritual I experienced the grace of God
Just sometimes in the church you get a sense of the weight of history and this was one of those nights.
Character counts: What really makes us who we are?
On a precious day in a hired lecture hall at a medical school where I had gone to church under protest I realised with precise clarity that there was a God.
What made me realise I'd become a community activist
We live out our Christian vocations as part of community and as community-builders. We pray 'your Kingdom come on earth...'
Want to know how to get the Bible's message? Try listening
I have to be honest. I am terrible at keeping New Year's resolutions. This is partly because, for me, they are so often about food.
These two great broadcasters are helping us appreciate creation
Professor Cox talks about the whole thing being shot through with magic. And for me the question is can there be magic without a magician.
Let's brush up our animal theology
One big fella came last week and he was crying. The next minute my cat Luna had jumped up onto his lap and began licking his bald head.
Why, as an evangelical, I'm falling in love with Celtic liturgy
Just what has the Celtic tradition got to offer evangelicals? Are there any pitfalls?