Stephen Kneale
Schrodinger's foetus
We cannot with a straight face talk about baby loss before 24 weeks in miscarriage whilst those who purposefully induce miscarriage are merely aborting a few cells.
Give the kids responsibility early
Those who are treated like children, will continue to feel like children.
Short-term visas, labour shortages and the reality of short-term missions
The big noise of a mission week achieves very little. An intern here for two weeks won't have the time to build up the necessary relationships to get anywhere. In the end, short-term solutions just don't achieve very much.
All mission should end in local church
Far too many mission organisations have no thought or concern for the local church.
When even secular commentators can see the moral imperative, why can't the bishop?
Matt Hancock's hypocrisy was certainly wrong, but it wasn't the biggest wrong of the whole debacle. Committing adultery on your wife must surely rank higher.
Why the cancellation of Franklin Graham should concern us all
Now, you may or may not agree with Graham's politics. You may or may not agree with his religious views and the way he puts them across. But that he should be permitted to voice them was once a universally accepted basic right. Not any longer.
Is your church too dependent on charitable status?
If your church model does depend (and I use that word advisedly) on charitable status, I'm going to suggest your church model is probably flawed.