Sidlangan Natividad
'Pokemon GO' update: Mewtwo release preceded by GO Plus update and major changes
Niantic releases a major update to "Pokemon GO" before the Mewtwo release, fans are still holding their breath for the release date of Mewtwo.
'Pokemon' and 'Fire Emblem' bundles launched by Nintendo
Nintendo announces special edition bundles of their upcoming Pokemon and Fire Emblem Warriors games.
'World of Warcraft' updates: 'Shadows of Argus' DLC released with its patch notes
"World of Warcraft: Legion" releases its new update entitled "Shadows of Argus."
'Game of Thrones' video game by 'Skyrim' developers allegedly 'fake'
The rumor that a "Game of Thrones" video game was being developed by Bethesda comes to a screeching halt.
'Game of Thrones' season 8 release date, plot rumors news: Final season to air in 2019, to feature 'Cleganebowl'
Game of thrones season 8 gets a speculative release date from fans as well as the long-awaited theory for The Hound vs The Mountain
'System Shock: Remastered' news: Release date delayed after developer hiatus
"System Shock: Remastered" will not be released any time soon, as the game has been put on hiatus after its developers blew all the funding from backers.