Shianee Mamanglu-Regala
Catholic bishop opposes Austria's plans to deny refugee entry by building fence, says it's not the answer to crisis
A Catholic Bishop has challenged Austria's plans to build a border fence to deny refugee entry by refusing to cooperate with authorities and arguing it is against the pope's wishes and not the answer to Europe's refugee crisis.
Citizens' initiative launched to ban abortion without exceptions in predominantly Catholic Poland
Following an outrage over the fatal incident that left a 24-week child to die in a Warsaw hospital, Poland is now on the verge of tigthening its regulations by aligning them with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
NATO, E.U. issue warnings: Terrorists planning attacks on European beach resorts
As vacation season heats-up in Europe, the general public particularly those planning to spend their vacation on the beach are being asked to be on the lookout for suspicious-looking people trying to procure necessary items to make chemical, biological or radiological weapons or pose as vendors serving tourists with drinks or beach accessories.
500 refugees from Africa drown as their overcrowded boat headed for Europe sinks in Mediterranean
Up to 500 refugees have died when an overcrowded ship capsized in the Mediterranean near Libya last week, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Hindu radicals beat pastor and his pregnant wife, try to burn them alive as Christian persecution persists in India
Two suspected Hindu radicals reportedly beat a pastor and his pregnant wife after posing as fellow believers at a church in Chhattisgarh, India, then doused them and other materials in place with petrol and tried to set them on fire.
Top abortion advocate Cecile Richards gets standing ovation at Georgetown, oldest U.S. Catholic university
Planned Parenthood Federation President and CEO Cecile Richards was recently lauded at the nation's oldest Catholic school where she delivered a lecture to a packed auditorium, advocating abortion and defending her organisation's stance on respecting women's reproductive decisions despite protests from pro-life students and the archbishop of Washington.
Seventh Day Adventist lay minister fired from his job as Georgia state health chief over his church sermons
A vocational lay minister and physician has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Department of Public Health claiming state officials fired him his over his religious convictions.
U.S. faith-based groups extend emergency assistance to people of Ecuador following 7.8-magnitude quake
Various U.S faith-based groups have come together to provide relief assistance on the ground in northwest Ecuador following the 7.8 magnitide earthquaÄ·e that took the lives of more that 500 people.
ISIS plotting attacks on tourists at beach resorts across Europe this summer, intel sources warn
Intelligence agencies have warned that the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on tourists at beach resorts across Europe this summer, Fox News reports.
Russia a greater global threat than ISIS, says Poland, citing Moscow's potential to destroy countries
Poland's foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski has said that Russia is a greater threat to international securities than the Islamic State because it has the potential to destroy countries.
25,000 ISIS fighters killed in past 20 months by coalition airstrikes; militants now 'paranoid and in chaos'
The Islamic State (ISIS) reportedly dealt a devastating blow after more than 25, 000 of its fighters have been killed by coalition air strikes over the past 20 months.
Legalising assisted suicide will 'hide killing with euphemisms,' Canada's Catholic leader says
A Catholic leader in Canada has warned that the upcoming legislation to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia will "threaten the vulnerable and the conscience of those who oppose it."