Shianee Mamanglu-Regala
1,700-year-old Orthodox church damaged in Turkey fighting; priest escapes with his family
The intensified fighting between the Turkish government and Kurdish separatist resulted in damage to one of the ancient churches in the world founded around 1, 700 years in Turkey.
U.K. Unitarian church votes unanimously to offer baptism to transgenders: 'There was no controversy'
The New Chapel Unitarian and Free Christian Church has become the first church in the United Kingdom to offer baptisms to transgender members. The decision was passed by the congregation with a unanimous vote.
Terror by ISIS represents Allah's will and directives, Iraqi journalist says
An Iraqi journalist has claimed that the ongoing atrocities happening in the world today perpetrated by terror organisations like the Islamic State (ISIS) are based on the teachings of Islam.
ISIS threatens terror attacks 'worse than 9/11 and Paris,' says Spain will 'pay dearly' for crushing Muslim rule
The Islamic State (ISIS) have threatened to carry attacks on the West "worse than 9/11 and last year's Paris massacre'' apparently to avenge Muslims who have been expelled by the Spaniards in andalusia 500 years ago.
Iran now able to access $100 billion of its frozen assets under nuclear agreement
Iran has claimed to have gained access to the more than $100 billion worth of frozen overseas assets as part of the nuclear agreement signed with world powers last summer.
Germany opens first asylum centre for gays who are targeted for persecution by Muslim refugees
Germany has opened Monday its first shelter for gay migrants in Nuremberg amid claims of growing abuse against the LGBT people inside the camps they were put up in.
Weapons' sale rises in Germany amid crime surge triggered by influx of refugees
With concerns over the influx of migrants and surging crimes among refugees, Germans are reportedly stocking up some firearms for protection, spiking the sales by up to three times more in weapons shops.
Head of Syrian Catholic Church slams Italy for covering nude statues during Iranian president's museum visit
The head of the Syrian Catholic Church has expressed concern over the decision of Italian authorities to shield nude statues during the visit of Iran President Hassan Rouhani, saying it is [Western] culture that should have been respected.
U.S. State Department confirms Clinton's emails contained highly classified info
The State Department said Friday it has censored 22 emails sent from the home server of former Secretary of State and presidential front runner Hillary Clinton, which were deemed highly classified level by the U.S government.
Finland joins Sweden in expelling large number of refugees as tensions continue to grip Europe
The Finish government is set to expel 20, 000 refugees who arrived in the country last year and whose applications have been turned down, as Europe is struggling to resolve tensions over how to handle the influx of refugees.
Merkel shows signs of mental breakdown, suffers from narcissism, says top German psychiatrist
A celebrated German psychiatrist has said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's "stubbornness'' to stick to her guns on the migrants policy could be a sign of a "mental breakdown''
250 Muslim and evangelical leaders issue declaration calling for Christian protection from persecution
This week, around 250 Muslim and evangelical leaders assembled in Morocco to make a declaration of religious freedom that calls for Muslim nations to defend Christians against persecution.