Shane Idleman
7 reasons why Christian leaders fall
Why do they fall? They fall for the same reason that all Christians fall. Each of us are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed.
At what point do Covid mandates on worship become overkill?
We respect our governing authorities and comply when possible (the Bible is clear here), but when mandates begin to hinder efforts to worship God and we see tons of inconsistencies (e.g., protests are not shut down or challenged), then we must take a stand.
Trump is not using us - if anything, we're using him
If a leader lacks Christian character but is pointing the nation back to God, is that a bad thing?
Jen Hatmaker celebrates daughter's lesbian identity - what she got right and wrong
Many say that we cannot take a position on homosexuality because all positions will hurt someone. Here's my question: "Are those who defend homosexuality, or who say nothing, truly loving the homosexual, or are they simply seeking to avoid conflict?"
An open letter to our leaders: churches must not be handcuffed
I'm not dismissing Covid-19, but our response to it could prove to be far more deadly and destructive than the virus itself.
COVID-19: eight things you need to know from a pastoral perspective
We are all affected by this turbulent moment in our world's history, but the Bible does provide solid choices in unstable times.
A pastor's abortion regret
Approximately 28 years ago, as a prodigal, I conceded to my girlfriend's request to abort our child around the 5th week of conception. The pain of that decision still haunts me today.
Should Christians drink alcohol?
The person who consumes alcohol walks a very fine line between freedom and sin, responsibility and carelessness, liberty and abuse
Does science confirm what the Bible teaches about creation in Genesis?
Really, the fine tuning of the universe is impossible without a Creator.
Pastors are called to defend the truth but too many are running from it
Truth be told, life would be much easier if I took a secular job and avoided controversy.