Samuel Smith
Donald Trump meets black inner-city pastors
Along with Vice President Mike Pence, Trump met with a group of about 20 clergy as they discussed the progress the administration is making on a number of issues impacting inner cities such as employment, criminal justice, prison re-entry and opportunity zone initiatives.
Pakistani Christian in hiding because of blasphemy accusations pleads with UN to help
A Pakistani Christian refugee accused of blasphemy is facing renewed death threats after his location in Thailand was revealed on social media this month.
Evangelicals are knowledgeable about their own religion, less so about other faiths - poll
When trying to answer questions about other world religions (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and global religious demography), Christian respondents did not fare as well as Jews, atheists, and agnostics.
11 killed in bombing outside church in north-east Syria
At least 11 people were injured in a car bombing outside a Syriac Christian church in a Kurdish-majority city in north-east Syria on Thursday while at least 13 others were killed in another car bombing in Afrin.
Christian family challenges Norway over child protective policy in top human rights court
Europe's top human rights court has agreed to hear the case of a Christian family that fled Norway after their five children were seized for months by the Scandinavian country's controversial child protective services agency.
10-year-old Christians excluded from school after objecting to LGBT school assignment
Two 10-year-old Christian students were suspended for five days last month after they were accused of using "homophobic" language when objecting to an LGBT Pride Month primary school assignment.
Former IKEA employee says he was fired after posting Bible verses on homosexuality
The popular Sweden-based furniture retailer IKEA is being sued after it fired an employee in Poland for posting Bible verses to voice his objection to the company's promotion of "LGBT rights."
Christian florist faces thousands in legal fees after losing court appeal in gay wedding case
The Washington Supreme Court has again ruled against Christian grandma florist Barronelle Stutzman who faces the risk of crippling fines for refusing to create floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding.
More Americans think premarital sex and divorce are morally acceptable
An increasing majority of Americans view divorce, sex outside of marriage, gay relationships and birth control as morally acceptable while a majority of Americans continue to view abortion as morally wrong, according to new Gallup data.
Donald Trump urged to condemn China's religious freedom abuses in trade talks
The Trump administration was strongly urged by a congressionally-mandated commission to bring up the continued persecution of Christians and other religious minorities with China's top trade negotiator during this week's trade talks in Washington.
Iran summons Christians to explain why they converted from Islam
Iran's intelligence minister, Mahmoud Mahmoud Alavi, blamed "evangelical propaganda" for the increase in Iranian Muslims converting to Christianity in certain areas of the country.
US religious freedom report focuses on growing restrictions in China
Persecution against believers in China was front and center as the US Commission on International Religious Freedom released its 20th annual report Monday morning.