Ruth Gledhill
Malaysian rap artist arrested for 'insulting Islam'
A popular Malaysian rap artist has been arrested after complaints that he had insulted Islam.
Bishops were urged not to apologise fully for child sex abuse to minimise liability risk
Bishops in the Church of England were instructed to give partial apologies to victims of clergy child sex abuse to help minimise the cost of being sued, it has been disclosed.
Islamist extremists in prisons to be contained in separate units
Muslim extremists who "present a particular and enduring risk to national security" in prison are to be contained in special units and put through "deradicalisation" programmes.
Thousands quit Church of Norway in just a few days
More than 15,000 people have left the Lutheran Church in Norway in under a week after the launch of a new digital membership page on the Church's own website.
London Muslims go to church in solidarity with Christians: 'We will not let hatred win'
Leading members of Britain's Muslim community have attended a London church service to show solidarity with their Christian neighbours.
President of Ireland calls for 'outrages' against Protestants to be remembered
The President of Ireland has called on the people of Ireland to remember the "outrages" perpetrated on Protestants during the long fight for independence, and the "ruthlessness" of many executions performed by the IRA.
Gay clergy to appeal to Anglican bishops for 'full equality in the Church'
A Church of England clergyman who married his gay partner is to publish an open letter signed by at least 12 married clergy couples calling on bishops to relax the rules against gay marriage.
TV viewers offended when Coronation Street vicar kisses another man
More than 60 people complained to the UK's broadcast watchdog Ofcom when the vicar in the popular television soap Coronation Street kissed another man.
Senior Church of England clergyman found guilty of historic sex abuse
A retired clergyman in the Church of England faces a possible prison sentence after being found guilty of historic sex abuse.
Spain: Franciscan friar assaulted in 'Christianophobic' attack
Police in Spain are hunting a Moroccan man who tried to rip the crucifix from the neck of a Franciscan friar and then tried to kill him.
Franklin Graham explains why he is moving Christian persecution summit from Russia
Evangelist Franklin Graham has cancelled his persecuted Christians summit in Russia because of new laws restricting Christian freedom. The summit will now take place in the US next year.
Christian priest dragged on floor as police evict worshippers from condemned church
Riot police have forcibly removed worshippers from a church in Paris who were protesting against the demolition of the building to make way for social housing and parking.