Ruth Gledhill
Brits Can Use Christian Faith To Heal Divisions Left By Brexit, Says Archbishop
Britain's Christian roots can help towards healing the divisions left by Brexit, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today.
Pope Francis Condemns 'Plague Of Terrorism' After Turkey Attack
Pope Francis has led world religious leaders in condemning the deadly New Year attack in an Istanbul nightclub.
Human Rights Lawyer Who Disappeared Into Custody In China Is Released
The Christian human rights lawyer who disappeared into police custody in China, arousing fears for his safety, has been released.
One Christian Died For Their Faith Every Six Minutes In 2016
'Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world.'
Franklin Graham And Pastor Paula White Among Christian Clergy To Pray At Donald Trump Inauguration
A record number of Christian and Jewish clergy are to lead prayers at the inauguration of President Donald Trump.
Brutal Rise In Persecution Of Christians Around The World Forecast In New Report
A shocking rise in violent persecution of Christians is forecast for next year by the charity Release International.
Prominent Christian Human Rights Lawyer Vanishes Into Custody In China
A prominent Christian human rights lawyer in China has disappeared after being summoned to a police station, according to the charity China Aid.
'An Angel Saved My Life.' One In 10 Brits Say They Have Seen Or Heard An Angel
The number of British people who believe they have seen or heard an angel has doubled in six years, according to a new survey.
Church And State Should Be Separate Because Britain Is No Longer A Christian Country, Says Report
The Church of England's position as the established church with the Queen as Supreme Governor is "no longer tenable" and needs a rethink, according to a report today.
Should We Work On Christmas Day? After All, Vicars Have To
For more than five decades, nearly every year of my life since I was 15 days old, Christmas Day has been a working day. This is because my father was a vicar, and then I went into journalism, writes Ruth Gledhill.
We Need More Women And Laity In The Church, Pope Says
The Pope has ordered his senior clerical staff in Rome to employ more women, lay people and people from ethnic minorities.
Laos Christians Exiled And Beaten For Their Faith
Seven familes have been exiled from their homes in Laos because they are Christian and two further men were beaten in unsuccessful attempts to force them to deny their faith.